Chapter 14: Lazy Day

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I waited outside Simon's door. The other boys had come out of the elevator. They didn't know whether to go in or just to wait outside.

"This is quite boring!" Harry says breaking the silence. No one replies, I was just on my phone reading tweets, ignoring the haters.

Niall finally comes out and says, "He'll only let me see you if you come to the recordings signings, etc. Are you up to it?"

"It will be different?" I say, honestly I couldn't wait.

"Yes! Ok let's go to Starbucks" I say, dying for a frappè.

"Yummo!" Louis replies. We all start walking out the building. We go into the elevator preparing for the ground floor.

Once we are at the ground floor. It got even busier in the time space of 15 minutes.

We start walking, not wanting to lose anyone. In one moment I was lost, "help anyone?" I shout out, barely audible. I just stayed still getting some weird looks as to say hurry up get a move on. I was stuck for about 5 minutes until someone grabs my hand and says, well shouts, "hurry up what are you waiting for?" It sounded like Louis so I just let him pull me out of the major crowd.

"Woah, That's hectic!" I say to the boys. I was sweating from all the people in there, it made me quite heated.

"Let's get coffee!" Harry says snapping our attention back to the coffee.

"Yes! But don't take me into that building ever again!" I say as they pull me to the closest Starbucks.

Once we had finished we all decided to just go chill at home.

"Bye!" I say to all of them as I get on the bus back home. It was about 3 minutes into the bus ride when I realised there was a cute line of stores, so I hop out and go have a look.

I had bought a few jumpers and shirts, there were big sales! I loved it!

As I was walking I realised there was, a pet shop and than 1D world.

In the window of the pets shop was the most cutest puppy! I really wanted it! Wow it's to much money though, I can't afford it. Aw it looked so lonely!

"Would you like that?" Someone asks, I turn around to see a man in black wearing a hoodie.

"Yeah She's such a cutie!" I reply looking back at the puppy.

"It's me Harry by the way, just a bit disguised, I needed some clothes so I came into to the city!" He tells me.

"Right!" I say. He must've needed to disguise because there's a 1D world here and there are screaming fans in that store.

"I'm going to try and save up for it!" I say breaking the silence.

"Okay, well I better get going, do some shopping and I want to pop into 1D world to see all the bad posters of me!" He says

"Haha okay, bye! I say before waving and leaving Harry to shop.

I catch the bus back home and just watch T.V for the rest of the afternoon, I needed to relax!

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