Chapter 10:Just Niall.WAIT NIALL!!!

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I took the bus and put on some sunglasses so other people wouldn't bother me. When I reached my aunties I knocked on the door quietly and a tall browned hair women welcomed me in. My aunties name is Lia and she was just like my mother. She was kind and nice. She was like the friend I've never had. She said "What brings you unexpectedly here, Steph?" " Well I was on a date with Niall but his band mates took him away. So now I'm left alone"

She said "You poor thing. Your welcome to stay here for long as you want" I smile to her and she goes to the kitchen. I sit on the couch and see Pepper her dog.She barks and jump onto my lap. I haven't seen Pepper since the family gathering. She was a Maltese and pure white.

I pet her softly and then she starts to bark at the window. I calm her down and I go to the window. I see Niall walking towards the house. WAIT NIALL!!!! My jaw fell open and I quickly open the door. My auntie ask who it was and I replied it was Niall. She looked at me confused and she smiled. She went up stairs and went to her room. I never know what my auntie is thinking.

I see Niall full of leaves in his hair and his jumper torn a bit.

I hug him quickly and put him in the house quickly. I looked at Niall and said "What are you doing here Niall! I thought you were at band practice!" He stares at me and said "I couldn't leave you so I left the building and ran to you. I saw you get onto the bus and ran thought bushes and trees" , " what about the other guys?" I ask. " I left them as soon as they let go of me"

NIALL!!! I say in my head. He was just the perfect guy for me.

I get all the twigs and leaves out of his hair and he takes off his jumper. I asked if he wanted to wear mine but he refused.

He said the boys will probably be looking for him and he was about to say the next word when....... KNOCK KNCOCK KNOCK

NIALLLLLLL!!!!! OPEN THE DOOR NOW!!!!!!,......,..........


Thx for reading this guys. I hope you like this. It's pretty hard to type on the iPad .

Sorry it's rally short

Thanks for all the support and I'll hand over the next chapter to Jemma.


Love Chelsea

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