Chapter 16: The Flight To Melbourne

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I wake up to a buzzing noise of my phone.

It was a message from Niall. I look straight away and it said

From Niall:

Hey babe. Have a nice sleep? I'll pick you up at 12:00 for th flight to Melbourne.

love Niall XOXO

He is just SOO nice.



I jump straight out and quickly get my clothes I left on the table yesterday for today and go into the shower without thinking.

I quickly dress up in my tight jeans, a top, a jumper, a scarf and some black boots.

I messily tie my hair up in a bun and get my keys, wallet , phone and bag and get my 2 suitcases right next to the door.

I look through the peephole in my door and see a car parked outside.

Must be Niall. I thought to myself.

I see him get out of the car. I made sure my teeth didn't smell bad and I looked at my phone as a mirror. I quickly look at myself to see if anyone was undone.

I open the door and see him climbing up the stairs. I quickly walk up to him and give him a huge hug.

He went towards my luggage and I said" oh you don't have to do that" " it's your birthday, it's the least I can do for you" .

He carries the luggage not looking like it was heavy at all.

The first luggage was full of shampoo, toothbrushes, brushes, etc. and the second one was full of clothes. even thought I was going to buy more.

I check out the room before I leave and lock the door. I grab the handle to see if it was locked. Perfect, I said to myself.

This was going to be the best trip ever!


Once we got into the plane he put my luggage at the top. It was a very smooth flight. I quick

Y check my phone and there was nothing so far.

"Pease turn off your devices as the plane takes off and thank you for choosing Star Airlines"

I was in the window seat and Niall was next to me.

The plane suddenly started to move. it was going smoothly then BOOM,,

The place where Niall put my luggage at the top opened and the door opened. My luggage came flying out and out the door. Niall and I stare as we see my luggage on the ground as we pass it.

"Sorry for the disturbance but the plane had just gone over a rock"

"OH NO!" I say, " It's alright love. I know. I'll buy you ally he clothes you want when we get there. He bout that?"

"Niall that's very generous of you but I can't afford you to buy all my clothes"

"Come on. It's your birthday and what are you going to wear?"

There was silence for a few seconds "Fine, but I will repay you"

"Don't worry about it babe"

He was just soo nice. Too nice..

When I get off the plane the sky was blue And there was cloud in sight.Me and Niall hold hands so we didn't get separated by the crowded airport.I was the only one without luggage. it felt awkward.

When we go outside the airport he calls a taxi and I take it my phone and call my mum.


"Hey mum. About the shopping. The plane bumped a

Apparently into a rock and my luggage fell out. Niall is going to buy me clothes. Is that alright with you?"

"Honey it's your birthday gift. Do what ever you like"

"Thanks for understanding mum. Bye"

"Bye sweetie"

Niall opens the door for me and I smile at him.

The driver looked at him for a few seconds. I was sure he recognised Niall from One Direction.

"To the Hilton Hotel please"


I take out my phone and see beautiful sights. I take hundreds of pictures of me and Niall and the sights I see.

When we got there. The hotel was MASSIVE. Bigger then Simons building. A doorman opens the door and inside was just the fanciest hotel you could've ever saw. It looked like it all made of gold. He leads me to the checkout and a woman smiles and says" may I help you?" " uh yes please. Niall horas checking in. "

"Niall Horan!, I mean sure thing. By the way can I have your autograph?"

He looks at me and I nod

"Sure thing?"

The workman gives him a black pen and he signs a piece of paper. she then gives us the key and we go into an elevator. He leads me into a quiet hallway into a room 711. It was GORGEOUS. The bed was HUGE and the living room looked like the size of a whole hosue. It was like a castle.

"This is where we will both be sleeping"

"Where's the other bed?"

" the huge bed is my bed"

"Then where's mine?"

" that one too"

I look at him in worried eyes. And then he said "don't worry there's another room with a bed"

I breathe out sighing and I jump onto my hue comply, soft bed.

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