Chapter 9 - Telekinesis

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Someone takes us to our cages.
Man! I should've left earlier.
After all this I don't think that they'll put me and Alice in the same cage.

But... Where's she anyway?

Christine took her away and she didn't arrive yet!

"Great... Now what?" Gwen asks me and Jason while playing with a rock.

"Now... We're screwed." I sigh loudly. "Our powers don't work on silver..."

We hear a loud clash and Christine enters the room dragging someone that is probably Alice.
She has a bag in her head. The usual but yet cliché way that Christine uses to don't let us see the house.

She takes the bag off Alice's head and my eyes widened.

She's all beaten up and her skin is peeling like a orange. Her face is all red with white spots all over the place and tears that run down her face like a waterfall.

Rage runs through me as my wolf growls loudly in my head.

"Tyler, kill her. Fucking rip her throat off." My eolf growls into my head. "You've been waiting for this."

"Shut up I can't." I think to myself. "I want to but I can't. One day she'll pay."

I looks at Jason and he nods. He heard everything. Great!
She throws Alice into a different cage.

Frustration takes over my body and mind and I start kicking and cursing everything that's in my sight.
The cage.
The food.
The water.

"WHAT THE FUCK HAVE YOU DONE TO HER, YOU BITCH?!" I shout and glare angrily at Christine.

She walks over to me, pulls me by my hair and whispers into my ear softly.

"She took a bath..." She gets even closer and laughs. "In purification water."

I roar loudly.

"Kill her now Tyler. This is the perfect time."

"Shut the hell up wolf!"

"Keep it down puppy." She turns away and leaves the room without saying another word.

Alice crawls slowly to a corner, curls up in a ball, cries and sobs softly.

I run to the bars and approach her as close as I could. "Alice. Alice baby look at me." She struggles to look at me, the poor thing can't even move. "That will heal. You'll be fine, do you understand me?" She nods her head slowly.

She can't even talk.

Christine is so dead.

* A few minutes later *

The food guy comes to give her the food. He leaves the plate and the glass of water in front of her.

She looks at him angrily and struggles to stand up in front of him.

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