Chapter 2

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8 months go by faster than the flash and I had to relearn everything again. I had multiple breakdowns and was very frustrated with myself, but I knew that I wanted to survive. I need to. Eventually, I did it. Physically I could move, run, write but mentally I was and still broken. "In less than a year you managed to get back up. Physically." Dr Murphy says cutting my train of thought. I stare at my hand unconsciously squeezing a stress ball. When did I start this? Why can't I remember simple things like this? I became frustrated again. "Calm down. Your memory will improve. Be patient. The fact that you are no longer paralyzed is already another miracle. Now you can go home but I will still need to see you every week. You're welcome anytime to see me, ok?" he says. I just nod but only 1 thing was in my head. Home. The one that was destroyed by the wildfire. I have to move in with Aunt Blake. Everything from my house was destroyed. I couldn't even save my favorite pillow.

A few months go by, and I settle in with Aunt Blake in a town called Lunaris Hills. Sometimes I feel like a burden to her because she had to take on the responsibility of her niece who was in a coma, paralyzed and orphaned overnight. She was named my guardian in my mom's will. She works as a nurse and still makes sure I have something to eat even though she isn't there. I visit Dr Murphy every week as per usual but the one thing I was feeling anxious about is going back to school. High school. At 16, with no friends and not knowing anyone. I dreaded that night as tomorrow was my first day of school. Take me back to the hospital bed please. I fall asleep and find myself in the same place. The accident site again. This time I could move freely. I walked up to my parents, nearly puking at the damage that was done to them. I look up to see a hill and where the car fell from. The corner was tight and the roads were slippery so I guess it is possible for what had happened. Then I remember, there were glowing eyes in the forest before I passed out before. I walk over to the location of where I saw it, but it the ground...was untouched. Maybe I was hallucinating, I thought again. I hear something. Rusting of leaves and some twigs snapping. I see a pair of red eyes this time looking at me. It made a noise which proved it definitely wasn't human. The next thing I knew, this thing scratches my neck and I feel the blood pouring out as I try to apply pressure. I stumble as I slowly start to pass out from the blood loss the last thing I see is that monster that did this. It was towering over me before he sank his teeth into my neck.

I shot up from my bed, panting and covered in sweat. You know that feeling when you wake up and hope it isn't time for you to get up yet? Yeah, well that wasn't the case. I had literally 1 minute before my alarm would ring. I walked over to the bathroom and looked in the mirror. Examining the area where the monster scratched me. It felt so real. The pain, the blood and those eyes. I felt a shiver down my spine. I shook it off and hopped into the shower. I really didn't want to face high school. I put on jeans and a black shirt. I don't want problems or attention. Just lay low. I told myself. I head over to the kitchen and grab a banana while watching Aunt Blake running back and forth getting ready. "You preparing for the Olympics?" I ask her while chewing. Heh. No response.

We get in the car and my aunt hands me a file. I look through it and it was an application to Lunaris High. Please no. I look like shit. I picked jeans for a first day. "Remember to drop this off at the administration office and I will pick you up at 12.30pm" she says. Only half day? I guess I can go with that. I hope. "Why 12.30pm though?" I asked. "Your therapy at 1pm" she replies. She pulls up at the entrance of the school and says, "Alright sweetie, have a wonderful first day of school." Cringe. "Are we really doing that?" I asked. "Just shut up and have fun" She smiles while driving off. Yeah, that's the aunt Blake I know.

Before I could even open the door to the school, someone scares the living crap out of me from behind. "Hi there! You must be the new girl. I'm Erin Murphy. Sorry for scaring you but you should really chill out. I could literally smell you from across the yard" she says extending her arm. "I'm Sarah Evans, uh...the new girl" I say returning the gesture. Do I smell? Quick deodorant check. I smell fine. I think. She grabs my file from me and says "Here I'll show you around. I also help out in the admin office for extra credit." Ah yes, now she will know that the new girl gets special treatment. Dare I ask her about her dad? No way in hell. I don't need more embarrassment. "Here's your schedule." Erin hands over a paper and stares at me like how Enid stares at Wednesday on her first day. "Right, now I'll show you to your locker" she says with a smile. "Oh, you really don't have to. I think it would be good to get to know the school in my own way" I said. Lies. She follows me anyway ultimately showing me my locker. I put in the combination, but it doesn't open. I guess it was stuck or something. "Need help?" she says. "No no I'm fine" I say trying to pry it open. Lies again.

I pry open the locker and end up stumbling into someone behind me. Shit. I feel an ice cold feeling down my back and a strong coffee smell suddenly hit my nose. "What the fuck?! Do you know how much this skirt costs?" I hear someone yell. I slowly turn around to see a pale but very beautiful girl responds angrily. I try offering her tissue, but she just swats away my hand while saying "I don't need help from dogs like you. You dress the part and now even smell the part. At least the coffee stains make you look better not that you could do better." Her groupies start crowding around her and laugh. I awkwardly turn around to try to clean myself up before feeling a sharp pain yanking my arm. "You better watch it. I could easily tear you to shreds" she whispers in my ear with a smirk. I feel her nails digging into my skin as I try to pull away.

Cue superhero music. Erin walks in saying "Oh really Sasha? You really wanna go there again?" followed by 2 other girls behind her. "Maybe I should get Faith" she said and the moment she said Faith, Sasha immediately lets go of my arm and steps back. "You good?" one of the girls ask. "Yeah" I reply. No. Definitely not. I noticed everyone here is grouped up. No one is ever alone. Except for this one guy. He has a pale athletic figure with red hair. Like Archie Andrews red hair. He doesn't seem bothered to be alone. In fact, he almost seems peaceful. I turn away after I realised, I was staring at him for too long. Chill guys, he's not my Edward Cullen or anything. He gives a friendly smile and wave before I leave the class to wait for Aunt Blake at the entrance. I get in and she says, "I thought my first day of highschool was bad, but I surely didn't piss myself" she says while gesturing to my stained pants." "let's not talk about it." I say. As I walk into the hospital, all heads turn to me following the whispers. Apparently, no one believes that I actually did survive. Some say I was replaced with a look-a-like, some say I am bionic (not gonna lie that would be cool though), some say witchcraft? I have no idea what else they say, and I couldn't be bothered.

I make my way to Dr Murphy's office, and he greets me with his typical "hello" smile he gives his patients. "Ok doc, why didn't you tell me your daughter was at the same school I would be going to?" I ask him straight up. "I mean, it's the only public highschool in the area so I thought you were bound to meet anyway." He chuckles. "Does she know about me?" I ask suddenly becoming softer in tone. He shakes his head "Doctor-patient confidentiality" he reassures me. "Why Erin though?" I ask. "Cause Erin, Aaron. Get it?" he says like he made the best Kevin Hart joke. Mental facepalm. We go on with the usual physical therapy and try some mind exercises before I left for home. Just as I lay down on my bed, I get a call from an unknown number. I pick up. "I'm outside, come out."

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