Chapter 5

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I just couldn't sleep knowing what I found out. Patient-doctor confidentiality my ass. Just as my thoughts were getting louder, I get interrupted by my alarm telling me to wake up and also to take my medicine. The higher dosage neuro-suppressants that I don't really need. I should probably ask for sleep medicine since that's actually something I really need. I take a shower and do the morning routine as usual. I stare at the bottle of my pills. I flush all the pills down and replace them with tic tacs hoping my aunt won't notice. I know I'm probably going to feel like shit, but I want to know what everyone is hiding.

I meet Luke at school and didn't mention about "the mission" as he likes to call it. It's nice to have someone to talk to about this. I feel bad keeping this from Erin because her dad is involved. It was still weird for her to tell me not to talk to Luke. Maybe he was her ex? I need to find out more about this town. I meet up with Erin for lunch since Dr Murphy had to assist in an emergency surgery, so the therapy was postponed. Erin was shocked to see me entering the cafeteria as I never have. It just the typical school-looking cafeterias. Nothing fancy. I see Luke sitting by himself just as I was about to move, Erin stops me and insists that I sit with her and her friends. I recognize the twins Faith and Grace and a few others at the "playground" the other day. "I've literally never seen you come in here since the first day" Faith says. "Well, I usually go for therapy so that's why I haven't had the opportunity to join you guys here" I say. "The food is ass" Grace says. "Way to sell it on her first time coming here, but yeah Grace is right. Sadly" Erin says. I get up and get in line and try to tip-toe to see what they're serving when I see Sasha in line. Shit. I hope she doesn't see me. When I try to peek, she still hasn't seen me. Good. The line moves and I realize I get closer to her. I try to walk behind her so she won't notice me. All of a sudden, I saw her leg pop out, on purpose, to trip me with a sly smile on her face. Unfortunately, I wasn't fast enough to dodge her foot and watched my life flash before my eyes as I fell. However, I did manage to grab onto her hair while on the way down. If I go down, you're coming with me. I didn't realize she was holding food and the food also came down along with and on her. Whoops. Sorry not sorry. She got up so fast I swear anemic people would faint seeing that and her eyes were filled with rage. At that moment, her friends that were sitting down all got up and became defensive and were ready to attack. Erin and the group also did the same as if anticipating it. It was like a Mexican standoff. "You did this to yourself, I'm not scared of you" I said looking her in the eye. "You really wanna piss me off, don't you? As I've said before I can EASILY crush you Evans." She says getting up not losing eye contact either. "I'm flattered you took the time to learn my name. It shows you think of me often and I believe I can be much worse than Faith" I say. Ok maybe I was exaggerating that part. At that her face changes to fear. "This isn't over." She says as she walks off with her friends trying to clean her up but she pushes them away annoyed.

The boys from our group started cheering and whooping like wild dogs and it was quite entertaining to be honest. I can't believe I've been missing out things like this. I see Luke in the corner giving me a silent exaggerated applause while other members of Sasha's group give death stares. "By the way, what did you do to her Faith?" I said as I was sitting back down. "It was a warm sunny day...I was wearing one of my favorite knitted sweaters. It was so soft and fuzzy, and Sasha and her friends basically hated it, and they cornered me in the changing room and dumped fabric dye all over me" she said with her usual tone. "You know what they say, don't corner a wild animal and then I jumped onto her and ripped out chunks of her hair. Like she came to school the next semester looking like an early chemotherapy patient. The other girls didn't dare interfere and I was only stopped by Grace and Erin." She said with a smile like a psychopath. "To be fair, we were watching for some time too before we stopped her. It was hilarious" Grace said. Bruh. There's no way I could be worse than that. "I didn't know that you were that strong" I said. She gave her usual chirpy smile and just said "It was my favorite sweater". This feels nice. I actually feel normal for once.

As lunch comes to an end, everyone starts to disperse and I try to walk over to Luke, but Erin stops me, "Tonight's a full moon. Do you want to come to the bonfire?" She says. "Yeah sure, that sounds...interesting?" I say. "Great!" Shouts Faith from across the room. "Is there a dress code?" I ask. "Probably something not drenched in coffee is a good start" says Grace. I wait for everyone to leave so I can talk to Luke, but Erin stands at the door waiting for me to leave with her. Dammit. She's not gonna let this go. I walk out with her and notice she gives Luke a look. Heh. Luke a look. Professional. I actually finish a whole day's worth of class and I know most teens would hate it but for me it felt amazing. I could be normal again. I go home and I see Aunt Blake on the couch watching Greys anatomy. "Hey" she says without taking her eyes off the screen. "Hey. I wanted to ask you something" I say to her. "If it's about you going out tonight with Erin and the gang its totally fine with me" she says once again while sipping on her tea. I didn't even text her yet. Dammit Erin. "No that's not what I wanted to talk about. I was actually wondering if I could do therapy after school. I really enjoyed being a normal teenager today." I said as I placed my bag down. She looked over at me as if she was contemplating something but eventually just replied with a "Yeah sure, I'll see to that" and went back to watching her show. I didn't want to cause her much trouble because I know how hard she works. Sometimes she even does double shifts just for us. Just as I was heading up the stairs, she asked "Have you been taking your meds?". I froze. I thought she figured it out. Impossible. "Yeah, Dr Murphy increased the dosage recently" I casually replied. "Yeah, I was told." She said. "When will I stop taking these by the way?" I ask. Again, there was that same silence that came with suspicion. She walked over to me all serious now and said "Your injuries were very serious. I'm sorry but I don't think you will be stopping the medicine. Your body needs it to keep yourself alive." Keep myself alive? She definitely would know what my medicine is for and yet she says I need to take it for the rest of my life? She's also lying to me. I can't believe it. I give her a nod and walk up to my room. The energy while walking up the stairs felt different. I lay on my bed and pull out my phone. I open the messages and find Luke's contact.

Me: What is everyone hiding? Luke: Wdym? Me: First, I find out that the "medicine" that I have been consuming is actually suppressing my body from working normally. Second, why is everyone in groups like some football shit going on. Third, why does the police have a file on me and everything that has happened in the hospital. Luke: Shrugging emoji Me: Middle finger emoji.

There's no way he wouldn't know anything about the town. Man has literally stalked the sheriff for Christ sakes. I look over to my clock and its almost 6 pm. Erin mentioned she would be picking me up around 7pm. I hop in for a quick shower to try and clear my mind. As I finish my routine and exit the bathroom, I notice the window is wide open and I know for a fact that I didn't open it. Someone was definitely in my room. My door was still locked from the inside and I'm too paranoid to ever open my window. I look around to see if anything was missing but no. Someone's looking for something. Was it the shirt I hid as evidence? Just as if on cue, I hear the horn of Erin's car.

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