Chapter 7

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"We'll take it from here Anus." Erin says. "I told you to stop calling me that" he says. Erin sticks her tongue out to him like a kid. He then walks away annoyed. "And you..." she turns to me, "You ditched us for a blood sucking cartoon red head?" She says with a semi-serious tone. "You two in love or something?" Grace asks teasingly. "No. We..." I stopped to think whether I should tell them or not since the whole Dr Murphy situation. "Luke convinced me that he knew a place which had good donuts." I said knowing how they're gonna look at me and just as expected they gave me a is-she-crazy look. "You mean that little diner right out of town? Come on. It's not that good I don't know why people say it's good." Grace says. "I don't know, I've heard some students and some of the pack members say it's good too." Faith disputes. "Girls, focus. We're supposed to be mad at Sarah for ditching us remember." Erin says. "Look, at least she's here now. We should show her around." Faith says as she practically jumps up and grabs my hand and starts dragging me. Okay she really is strong. "Are we like, twilight werewolves?" I ask. "God no. That series is a disgrace to our community." Says grace. "We have 5 main abilities. Speed, strength, enhanced smell, conjuring spirits of past wolves and shields." Erin explains. "I have strength" Faith says with her usual chirpy voice. "Yeah, I can tell" I start rubbing my hand as she lets go. "Sorry" she says. "I guess you have strength too, Grace?" I ask. She shakes her head and replies "Speed. Just because we're twins, doesn't mean we get the same ability". "And since we saved the best for last, my ability is enhanced smell which is how I knew you were one of us from the first day." Erin says. "I don't know what my ability is...I haven't even turned for the first time yet." I say

We walk through the forest and come to the first clearing where I see more people, pack members to be exact. All of a sudden two wolves start fighting and I mean clawing and biting each other. The other members just watched and even cheered. Brawls? "This is where those who have the strength ability come to train" Faith says. "Or just try to prove their toxic masculinity" Grace snorts. As I watched, it was... mesmerising. Eventually one of the wolves was throwing a little too far and yielded by turning back to human and was carried away by the others. The winning wolf then turned back too and was enjoying the victorious praises by his so called "fans". "That's Seth Hawkings" Erin says. "He thinks he's the best because he beats everyone that challenges him and to be fair, he does live up to his reputation. No one really has beaten him...yet. Who knows maybe you could beat him if you have the strength ability Evans." Grace adds.

We start walking east from the lodge and towards another clearing which I assume is another training ground. From behind me a strong gush of wind almost knocks me off my feet, but Erin catches me just in time. "This is where we train for wolves with speed." Grace says. That so called wind wasn't wind but was 4 wolves running past us. Sheesh. One of the wolves turn and walk up to us. "Hey Grace, the others were going to race to the other side of town later. Just wanted to know if you wanted to join." She says. "Yeah sure" Grace says. The girls walks away, and Grace says "That's Hope. She's always in competition with me for some reason. She just can't accept that I'm faster than her even though her parents were one of the fastest wolves in their time. I know there won't be other wolves racing but I'll still accept her challenge nonetheless." "They have increased speed and stamina than the other wolves" Erin says. Could that monster have had the same ability? Maybe. They did seem to have the speed that matched it.

"Hello? Earth to Evans" Erin says while waving her hands in front of my face. "How will I know which ability I have?" I asked. "It usually shows after you turn" Faith says. We walk a bit more before stopping in front of a hut? Or tent? I don't really know how to describe it. Out comes an elder. "This is Chenoa Catori. She helps those with the conjuring spirits abilities." Grace says. But she's... Human? "Yes child, I am indeed human. My connections with nature and the spirits are strong." Chenoa says with a soft comforting voice. She takes my hand in hers and closes her eyes. "I sense great power from you, child. However, danger approaches you very soon I'm afraid." I let go of her hand and her smile slowly faded. None of us said anything for a while. "I must take my leave now" Chenoa says while turning back into her hut. "You see, mixing around with vampires is bringing danger to you." Erin says while smacking my arm. Ouch. I turn back once again to look at her only to meet her eyes with mine but with a worried expression. "I guess the final place is those with shields?" I ask them. "Yes" Faith says. "And no" Grace says. "What it means is that both shield and spirit conjuring are taught by Chenoa" Erin says. "How old is Chenoa anyway if mind me asking?" I ask. "Probably a few hundred years old." Faith says. I stood there waiting for an explanation when Grace sighed and said "She has an apprentice to help conjure spirits and the spirits decide if it's time for her to return back to the spirit world or to remain and help guide more young wolves with their abilities." "So she's immortal?" I ask. "Yes" Grace says. "And no" Faith says as on cue. "When a conjured spirit enters a new body it will take over the mind of the new body as well. Which is why you must have a super super super connection with yourself and the spirit world. If the consciousness of the original body is restored the spirit will not be able to take over as their previous selves and the remaining years will be lived out by the body until it's time to either leave or stay again." Faith says this time. Immortal at the same time mortal. Kinda cool to be honest.

We head back to the lodge as it was getting late when Chenoa appears again this time asking to speak to me alone. "I know what you are" She says with a serious tone. Great. "I know you are destined to be very powerful. Sadly, the power you possess is a threat to some. I hope you know this." She says while looking at the moon. I slowly nod. "You will change soon. During the blood moon which will happen next week. I really hope you will be prepared because it is not going to be an easy transformation. The first times never are easy." she says looking me dead in the eyes. "How do I control it?" I ask seeming desperate. She looks down and whispers "You can't. Just try to connect with your other half and try not to kill anyone in the process."

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