Chapter 6

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Just as I pick up my bag to leave, I get a text from Luke. Luke: I found the file you were looking for. There was a fake partition in the drawer. Shit. Erin's already here. I call Erin, "hey, I know you're outside but I kinda need to cancel because...I'm having... food poisoning." I know it's sad. That's all I could think of. "Well, that's shitty" she says while trying to hold in her laugh. "It's fine. Let me know how you're feeling tomorrow." She says before hanging up. I text Luke. Me: I'll be there in 10 minutes.

I speed walk over to the station. I walk in the back door just as we did before. He hands me the file without saying anything. I don't have a good feeling. My file is just as it is. Nothing has been changed or updated. I walk over to the cabinet where Luke found this and found more files. They were kept quiet. "We need to leave now" Luke says as he grabs my hand. His grip on my hand is tight. Ok something is definitely wrong. He locks up quickly. A bit too quick I might say and tells me to follow him. Still gripping onto my hand, we walk through the woods out of the streetlights. "Be quiet and stay near me" he says getting serious. I haven't seen this side of him at all. We come to a stop. He covers my mouth. Just when I think this guy is crazy, I hear something. I hear a growl. The fuck?! "Shit, it has our scent" Luke whispers. I hear a twig snap and then another. The frequency increases and this thing is getting nearer. I hold my breath hoping it wouldn't hear me. Pin drop silence before a tree trunk was flung in our direction. Luke pushed us out of the way just in time. I saw it. It was huge. It has glowing red eyes as if it was from hell and claws like something out of the conjuring series. It looked like a werewolf but there was no way it was that. It had a very bad aura. I just knew. It looked at me in the eyes and for a second, I thought I recognised it. Just as it was about to pounce on me, its right front paw or leg or whatever its supposed to be called catches on fire. It lets out a blood curling howl and looks in the direction of Luke. What in the Merlin is this? "What's the matter? Can't play fire with... oh that's right you don't have fire" Luke says with his usual sly smile only this time his canines were...extended. Holy shit. He's a vampire. I hope he doesn't sparkle in the daylight. I take his distraction as a cue to move out of their monster's way and move closer to Luke, but this thing is impossibly fast. Luke managed to grab me just in time, but I did feel that monster scratch my arm. I felt the burning sensation as if it was a paper cut and someone just put hand sanitiser on it. As I was piggy backing Luke, I watched the scratch heal as if nothing happened. That's what happened the night when the monster tried to get me. I didn't have any marks because I healed. I still have the ripped shirt as evidence though.

Luke ran through the forest as if he knew where he was going even though it was pitch black but then again vampires have better vision than us right? "Get ready" he says sounding serious again. He puts me down and all of a sudden, we're surrounded by wolves this time. I could see that they were bigger than the usual wolves but still nothing like than the monster before. "There's a really good reason for this Leon" Luke says holding his hands up in the air as if surrendering. One of the wolves slowly walked towards us before it turned back into human. I saw it with my own eyes. I couldn't believe it. I'm assuming Leon is the alpha as no one moved until he gave orders. "Alright, explain then" he says with a stern voice almost mixed with a growl while the other four wolves start to close in on us. "Well, it's kinda private and it involves one of yours here" Luke says as he points to me. One of his? Do I get to be a werewolf? YAY! The other wolves slowly back off and one of them turn back to human and stand by his side. "This way" the other guy says. "My name is Jason, I'm Leon's beta." He says while we walk. "Sarah Evans. Not sure if you know my whole story." I say hoping he doesn't know. "Everyone in the pack knows" he says. Well shit. "So where are we going?" I ask. "We have a lodge that's exclusive to the pack. It's where everyone comes to chill and relax daily. I don't know why you haven't came by yet." Jason says looking at me. "I didn't know I was a werewolf. I didn't even know this whole supernatural world existed." I say to him. "Your parents didn't tell you?" He asks. I shake my head. "Do you enjoy being outdoors especially the woods?" He asks. By natural reflex I nod with a smile.

After walking for some time, we come to a clearing with a small hill. On top of the hill there was a beautiful wooden lodge which was as big as a ski lodge in the middle of the woods. When you stood at the main door and looked back it was like you could see the sun rise and set. "I know. It's beautiful. It belonged to our ancestors. They built the lodge here and on full moons we can see it and the stars clearly for our monthly bonfires." Says Leon. "I'm Leon Hall. The leader of the pack in Lunaris Hills." He extends his hand which I shake and can feel the intimidation off him. No wonder he's the alpha. I'd shit myself if he crept up on me. "Have you turned?" He asked me while staring into my eyes. Ok yeah too much intimidating. I wanna cry. I even turned around like a dumbass. "Into? Oh, uh wolf" I say. "Usually by your age many would have turned at least once but its ok some people are late bloomers or even with that, their parents would have told them that at a certain age." he says. "It's really odd your parents didn't tell you that you are a wolf or even mention the supernatural to you" he says almost as if saying it to himself rather than me. "Well, I lost my parents when I was 15 and I just found out that my Dr has been prescribing me medicine that has been suppressing my physical abilities." I say. "What's the doctor's name?" Jason asks. "Dr. Aaron Murphy" I reply. Everyone stops in their track, even Luke. We walk into the lodge and to a private room which I assume is the office. "You are definitely a wolf in case your parents haven't told you" Leon says as he sits down. "We saw something in the forest that chased us here. It was trying to kill us." Luke said. Trying? No, it was definitely going to. "But it didn't look like the wolves outside just now" I say. All heads turn to me. Ah shit. I should have kept my mouth shut. "It was bigger, and its eyes had this extreme lust for blood. For some reason it was very fixated on me. If Luke didn't intervene, I don't know what would have happened. It even scratched my arm" I say. As I tried to show them the scratch, you guessed it, it wasn't there. "Fast healing is one of our forte" Jason says.

There was a sudden knock on the door and in walks a teenager. Maybe it was Leon's son, but they didn't look alike at all. "Hello there, you must be the new addition to the town. My name is Matthew Barnes. I am the leader of the vampire group here in Lunaris Hills." This dude is younger than me, has a British accent and he's the leader of the vampires? He kinda reminds me of Number 5 from The Umbrella Academy. Young face and mature mind. "I am here to pick up Luke as we vampires are not allowed on this side of the town. Leon will give you the tour and rules." He says with an almost innocent smile. "He's not in trouble, is he?" I ask. "No, he saved your life. That gives him an exception." Leon says still staring straight into my soul. "You might as well get used to your new lifestyle because there will be significant changes physically and mentally for you. If you could give me your parents' name, I could help track which pack they were in and some family history for you." He said. I don't know why but those words made me feel relaxed a little as I could find out somethings about my past and secrets that my parents have now been keep from me. "Joseph and Katherine Evans" I say. "Like the..." Jason says "Yes them" I cut him off. There was an awkward silence before Leon said "Jason will introduce you to the pack and get you settled in." I nod and we exit the room. As we walk across the field to be introduced to the members, I recognised some of them. Erin and the twins? SHIT. "Kinda shitty for ya Evans" Erin said giving me a judgemental look. Yeah, I'm in deep shit.

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