Chapter 11

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I still can't believe I'm going on a date. I search around my room for something decent to wear. Skirt? No. Shorts? No. Fuck it. I threw on a sweater and jeans. I told adam to meet me a few houses away so he didn't have to face my aunt. I look at the time, 6.53pm. My chest starts to get tighter. Suddenly my phone buzzed. "Hey, I'm here" adam texted. I grab my bag and head downstairs. Aunt Blake wasn't home so I left her a message saying I went to grab dinner with some friends. I lock the door and proceed to walk to where he was. I saw him from far, denim jacket, white shirt, black jeans with sneakers. I could also smell him from where I was. It was so addicting and calming. "Hey, I hope you're not afraid of bikes cuz..." he handed me a helmet. I didn't even notice he was leaning on his Suzuki GSX-R1000 in navy blue. It suited him so well. He takes the helmet and walks up to me about 2 inches away and slowly puts on my helmet without breaking eye contact. I've never been on a motorcycle before and am genuinely scared. He gets on his bike and turns it on. I kinda stumble when getting on and he guided my arms around his waist and says "don't worry, I got you" he guides my hand to his waist and squeezes gently and starts riding. I got scared and started hugging him tighter to which he said "you're kinda suffocating me" I didn't realise my wolf strength was seeping through the fear. "Sorry. I've never done this before" I say. He just smiles and says "you're really cute, you know" and continues riding. I got used to it very quickly. The night breeze hitting my skin felt so relaxing. Just like when I run through the woods in wolf form getting to feel the dirt beneath my skin.

We stopped at a diner and sat in a booth. I ordered a milkshake and he said we'd share it. "Do you want to order some food?" He asks. "It's alright I'm not that hungry" I said obviously lying. I was REALLY hungry but felt too shy to admit it. "You look nice" he says trying to make conversation. "thanks, so do you and your cologne is amazing." I say. I didn't mean to sound like a creep with that last line. It just slipped out. Our drink arrives and I take a sip. You can never go wrong with milkshakes. I look at him and gesture him to try it. "Oh wow. This is really good." He says with some milk all over his face. I giggle and wipe it with a napkin while staring into his eyes. It felt right. He was starring back at me and it was like I could see him. The real him. He wasn't hiding anything. When the bill came and I grabbed it and said I'd pay and before he could protest, I paid and gave him the receipt as a souvenir. "You're really something else aren't you" he says. Oh honey, you don't enen know the half of it. After the diner, we decided to take a walk around the park outside. He took a few steps forward and then offers his hand. I blush hard and took his hand in mine. I felt jolts of electric just by touching his skin. I nuzzled into his side as we walked. There were some ducks and geese near the pond where they were being fed by some people who were walking their dogs. It was hilarious watching the geese bully the dogs. When we reached that area. I asked if I could pet the dog and they say sure but I would need to be careful as the dog is not very open to strangers. I kneel down to the dogs height and offer my hand for a sniff. He whines and sits with tail wagging. I gave him a nice rub on his head while the owners watched in shock. "Wow, you must be some kind of dog whisperer. Rex never does that with strangers." The owner says. I just smile back.

We walked a little more in silence. "This place is beautiful. The wind hits just right at night." He says looking up at the sky. We reach a bench where we sat and started talking. "So tell me about yourself Sarah. If you don't want to it's fine." He says. "No, I want to."I say before taking a deep breath. "I'm not sure if you know but I was involved in an accident that took both my parents and left me somewhat paralysed for a while. No doctor wanted to take me because it was considered a lost case and that I would die at any minute." I say shakily. Adam takes both of my hands in his and motions me to continue. "I woke up and the first thing I saw was that my house burnt down. I had to go through 1 year of therapy that was so painful." I say while letting a tear run down my cheek. "I tend to talk a lot when I'm nervous, sorry." I say.Adam uses his thumb to wipe my tears while cupping my cheek. "I really want to kiss you right now." He says staring into my eyes. I turned my face because I was blushing. I turned back and saw him still staring at me waiting for an answer. "Okay" I say while nodding. We leaned into each other and our lips touched. There were even more sparks than from the hand. We were moving in unison without letting go or even catching a breath. I grab the back of his neck to pull him in deeper. I let out a moan and he did the same. He put his arms around my waist and pulled me closer to him. I could feel my wolf side going crazy wanting more. I gently bit his tongue. He did the same to my lips. I should stop. I don't want to. I put my hand on his chest and gently push away where we both were breathing heavily. My first kiss. I never expected it to be THIS good. My inner wolf was going crazy. I almost broke the bench because I was gripping too hard. "I guess I should head back since we have school tomorrow" I say softly with my forehead on his. He nods blushing clearly. I can hear his heartbeat. He definitely was nervous. I get on his bike, and he takes me home. I hugged him burying myself into his scent. All of a sudden, I was already in front of my house. I take off the helmet and hand it to him and he tells me to keep it because this wont be the last time I would be on his bike. I gave him a hug and kissed him on the cheek before entering my home. I closed the door and leaned on it, closing my eyes and focusing on his scent and heartbeat as it slowly fades into the night.

"I know that look" Aunt Blake "says with her hands crossed and a smile plastered to her face. "Biker, huh? Hot." She says teasingly. "Ok that's where we stop." I say not wanting her to say more. "So... will I be getting a name of the mysterious biker guy?" She asks. "When the time is right." I say as I head up to my room still smiling. "You should consider acting for the movie smile. That's how much you're smiling right now." She says. "Har har. I'm going to sleep." I say heading up the stairs. I hear a buzz and jump to my phone almost immediately. "Good night, babe. Tonight was fun. Can't wait to spend more time with you." From Adam. I blush again. I haven't felt like this before with anyone. My inner wolf is in constant bliss. I try to sleep but just can't stop thinking about just now. About him. His scent. His lips. Everything about him.

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