Chapter 12

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It's been a long time since I felt like this. I feel loved and safe. I almost couldn't remember what it felt since the accident. Adam and I have been texting and calling each other everyday. Even in class when we're sitting next to each other, he'd be sending me memes that almost got me in trouble because I laughed a little too hard. "Hey, I was just told that our school will be having a soccer game tonight. You should really come." He says. "What time is the game?" I ask. "8pm" he replies. I nod in excitement. He puts his arm around me as we exit class and I immediately picked up a stench. "Hey Adam! Good luck for tonight. I'm definitely gonna be cheering for you." Sasha says as she trying to lean on him. He politely pushes her away. I suddenly food a sharp pain in my palms. I look down to see my claws have been exposed and that I was squeezing it so hard to keep my anger away. "No wonder I smelled a skunk." I say as Adam rejects her advances. She completely ignores me but I know she heard it because I heard a small scoff as she walked away. "Nice job Evans." Erin mind links me while giving me a thumbs up.

As school came to an end, Adam walked me home. "So you like walking home?" He says nervously. I could hear his heartbeat speeding up. "Yes, mainly because I don't have a car plus it's a good way to get the daily exercise in." I say as I hold his hand. His heartbeat speed up a little more and I couldn't help but smile to myself. "What are you smiling about?" He asks. "It's cute when you're nervous" I say giggling like a 4 year old. He turns away to blush and it's adorable. As we reached my house, I quickly looked around for Aunt Blake. Her car isn't there. Phew. "So you're coming tonight right?" He asks. "Most definitely" I say. He walks me up to the front door and gives me a kiss goodbye. "GET A ROOM" I hear someone shout only to see Aunt Blake in her car with the window rolled down. I roll my eyes " OH WOW, I NOW UNDERSTAND WHY SARAH TALKS ABOUT YOU ALL THE TIME" she says laughing. I shoot her a glare and said "I don't think the town heard you, could you maybe shout a little louder?". "WE SHOULD HAVE DINNER SOME TIME. I'D REALLY LIKE TO GET TO KNOW YOU BETTER" she shouts once again. I mouth her to stop with an annoyed face. I say goodbye to Adam as he walks away and head into the house with Aunt Blake following behind a few seconds later. "He seems nice in both looks and manners" she says trying to be cool. "Please don't say that. It's weird." I say trying to hide from blushing. "Oh by the way, I'm gonna watch Adam play soccer tonight at 8" I say as I get a glass of water. "Fine by me. I have an extra shift tonight. Oh and remember, use protection." She says as she changes for the shift. She knows that I intentionally didn't reply but heard it.

A few hours go by and its already 5 pm. I just had a shower and was getting ready to leave early so I can hangout with him before the match. Clingy, I know. As I headed out the front door, I texted Adam that I was on my way before colliding into something solid. It was Leon. "Uh where do you think you're going?" He asks with a raised eyebrow. "Uh going to watch Adam play soccer?" I ask back confused. "No. You're not going anywhere. In case you forgot, it's a full moon tonight and you know what happens." Leon says as he takes out the chains from the back of his car. Shit. I could see the stains. My blood. I have to admit, I still am not fully in control of my wolf side. Yet. "Can't I just be there for a while? Maybe like an hour?" I beg like a little kid. "Absolutely not. I will not endanger the lives of many just because you have found your mate. I know it's difficult but I've seen the worst out of these situations." Leon said with an annoyed and somewhat hurt look. Weird. I took that as a cue to not argue back and just got in the back of his car. As we drive off into the woods, I could feel that I was gonna turn soon. Leon was checking on me by watching me from the rear view mirror. I could feel myself becoming more fidgety. I was trying to keep myself calm, when my phone vibrated. It was from Adam. "Hey, are you coming?" He asked. It was almost 9pm. Shit. My hands couldn't move to tell him that I was not coming. "Could I..." I say. "No." Leon instantly replies even before I could finish the sentence. "What if..." I say after a few seconds with a "No" from him again. "Maybe just..." again I ask and another "No" before I could even finish any of the sentences.

Eventually, the car came to a stop and I could hear the waves. It's always so beautiful here during the full moon. I head into the cave and take off my jacket. "Shit. I forgot the chains." Leon says. As I waited for him, I decided to check my phone. 10 messages from Adam. The game was already over and he asked if I wanted to join him and the team for a post-game celebration. I couldn't bear it. Not tonight. Erin sends me a message. It's a picture. Of Adam and... SASHA?!. This twilight sparkle bitch was actually sitting on his lap and trying to take a selfie. That was it. I dropped my phone and turned out of anger. I bolted out the cave and straight into the woods. "COME BACK NOW" Leon mind linked. I didn't care. I needed to kill Sasha. Leon catches up to me and tries to slow me down but it was like, I didn't have any intention on stopping. I pushed and ran even faster until he couldn't catch up. I started to pick up on Adam's scent. It calmed me for a brief moment before I picked up her stench. I let out a loud howl before making an ungodly growl and took off in the direction. I could hear footsteps trying t0 catch up with me. It was members from the pack, more specifically the ones who have the speed talent. I also picked up Leon's and some members who had the strong trait behind them. No. I will not be stopped. I dug my claws into the earth before launching myself to move even faster. The members suddenly just stopped chasing me because they couldn't keep up. I was close to where Adam was. I was ready to kill. I needed it. There was a clearing coming up where I just needed to get past that before reaching the field.

As I was just about to jump, I felt a sharp pain in all my legs. I look to see 4 werewolves each biting my leg to stop me from running. No. I will not lose to her. I fought back eventually tapping into my strength and was able to lift one foot with the member still attached to my paw. I felt the pain. Believe me. I was bleeding a lot too whenever I moved my leg. Then I felt weight on me. Another 4 more wolves but they're holding onto my joints this time. I couldn't take it anymore. I slowly gave in but they didn't let go. I let out a small whimper. My ear picked up people laughing from a distance. It was Adam and that thing. That alone told me there was no way im giving up. Not when I'm this close. I let out a growl before attempting to get up I didn't care even if I had to drag them along. They all looked surprised that I was able to even move with 8 of them holding me down. I managed to stand with them still on me and took a weak step forward. They panicked. I then felt teeth. On my neck. it was Leon. "STAND DOWN" he links. I ignored it but he added pressure to his hold on me. It started getting in the way of my breathing. I let out a growl and he tightened his grip more. "I SAID STAND DOWN" he growls. I had no choice. I sighed before surrendering. One by one, they started letting me go but not Leon. "This is why you're not ready to be around him. Not until you can control your wolf." He says as he lets me go. He's right. What was I thinking? I could have hurt people. I could have even hurt Adam. Just thinking that I could hurt him in any way made me want to learn how to control my wolf.

I got up, still in wolf form, and started limping back to the beach. Within a minute my wounds healed and I was walking normally. Leon told the other members to go home while he escorted me back to the cave. At this point, the exhaustion is catching up. I could feel my legs start to shake but I didn't care. I'm a danger right now. I need to control my wolf. I'm going to. Jason was waiting for me at the cave with the chains ready. As I approached, I just walked past him into the cave and flopped down in exhaustion. I notice Leon shook his head when Jason asked if he should chain me up but Leon said no. "Look. Something happened when I was younger that involves a potential lover. It was because of me that a member of my pack was killed from my stubbornness. I didn't want you to do anything you'd regret because you weren't thinking straight. Maybe one day I'll tell you more about it." He says as he sits. I didn't say anything. "Hey, you were able to control yourself just now. Despite having 8 wolves holding you down, you were able to pull back when you were overcome with rage and that's a first step to control. Well done." He says before I fell asleep.

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