Chapter 3

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I look at the caller ID and it says unknows. "Nah, I don't know you. I've watched enough serial killer documentaries to know what happens next" I reply. "It's me Erin" she says. How did she get my number? "We're here to take you to some of the local hangout spots around the town. Don't worry I already spoke to your aunt, and she says its fine." She says. Dammit aunt Blake. "Tell her to change out of her barista clothes I can smell them from here" an unknown female voice in the background says. Right. I still haven't changed. "Give me 15 minutes, the barista needs a shower" I say before I hung up. I quickly shower and put on a basic t shirt with leggings and head outside. I see a pickup truck with Erin in the drivers seat. I hop in the back and was greeted by 2 other girls. They look alike. Very alike. Twins but like they're very easy to tell apart as they have a total opposite sense of style. Kinda like the oracle twins from American dragon: Jake Long (iykyk). One is a happy go lucky, bubble, the sun is shining everyday kind and the other twin was a goth, emo, Wednesday Addams, Wake Me Up When September Ends vibe to her. "I'm Faith" says bubbles. "And I'm Grace" says buttercup with a small eyeroll wave mocking her sister.

They show me around the local hangout spots where I see most of the high school kids. I guess it's like a playground but for teens. No not the sexual kind. It felt nice but I did notice that everyone was in groups again but more like 2 sided. I get introduced to a small group and one of them asks "so what made you wanna move here?" Without realization I said "well both my parents died in a car accident. You know the one that was on tv? Yeah that. My home also burned down from the wildfire that was also on the local news and I was paralyzed, in a coma for the last 9 months." No one said anything. Just giving side eyes to each other. Everyone knew about the crash, but no one really knew about who the survivor was. I decided it was time to take my leave and just told Erin that I wanted to walk home since it wasn't far. She insisted that she would drop me off at home but something in the night just felt calming. As I was leaving the place, I noticed Red haired Archie guy again alone. I don't know why but I just felt like I needed to talk to him. "Hi" I said awkwardly "Hey" he says with a calm voice. "I'm..." he cuts me off with "Sarah Evans, medical miracle mystery girl, orphaned at 15, homeless lives with her aunt and pees coffee" he says. Great autobiography I guess. "Luke Hagan. Short for Leucerys" he gestures his hand and I shake in return. "Do you enjoy being alone or does everyone just gang up around here?" I ask looking around and noticing some people I was talking to earlier are staring. "both" he says with a small laugh. "Sometimes its nice to with your own thoughts I guess" he says looking up at the sky. Huh. I guess that's true. To be more mindful would do me some good mentally. We sat there in silence but not an awkward silence... more of a peaceful silence. I get up and tell Luke that I'm heading home and he nods.

I enjoy the breeze in my hair and the smell of nature in the surrounding. The mud in a nearby patch, the branches swaying with the wind. I can hear a slight howl coming from the wind. It was pure bliss. I hear a twig snap. I ignored it as I thought it was just an animal. I hear more twigs again but closer. Coyote maybe? I start speeding up knowing I'm not too far from home. I hear running so I start running too. I try to look behind and I see a pair of glowing eyes in the trees catching up with my speed or may eventually get me. I look forward and focus on getting home alive preferably. Suddenly, I feel a burning sensation across my right shoulder to the centre back. I got scratched. There was so much adrenaline pumping through me that I didn't stop. After a while, just as I was about to reach my home, I thought to myself, whoever or whatever this is can't know where I live. I decide to go straight to the police station. I had to cut through the forest where I tripped multiple times on twigs and rocks and feeling scratched everywhere. Every scratch I just thought it came from that thing that was chasing me and made me feel more scared. I wanted to scream but I thought that would give away my location. I play too many games. Sigh. I made it to the station after what felt like forever. Considered the time was around 1am the police officers were not very happy when crimes get reported at night. When I tried to explain my case, they looked at one another and told me to wait in a room. The sheriff then comes in and tells me to explain what happened while filing my report. I soon learn that the room was his although it didn't look like a typical office. He takes a sip of coffee before saying "Look, I know you're the miracle child or whatever, but I don't need you scaring the other folks in this town alright?" wow. "I'm telling the truth! Look at my back, the scratches" I try to show them the shirt but there was no scratch or blood. Just ripped clothes. "Seems more of a dog attack to me or maybe you scratched yourself when walking in the woods and tore your clothes on the branches" he says. "You know, your doctor did mention that your medication may make you see things or even feel things." He laughs. "We'll look into it. For now, I suggest women should be home by dark" he says before walking off while laughing. Pig.

As I was about to leave the station, I pretended to tie my laces but actually wanted to see where my file was being kept. The sheriff took it into his office and placed it into a drawer before locking it. I knew it. They're not going to do anything. Have they known about it? I need to know. Was this the monster that was present the day of the accident? All those went through my mind before I snapped out of it. I know what I saw. I'm not crazy. I get home and notice aunt Blake was already asleep, so I decided to change and get ready for bed. As I remove my shirt I stare at the ripped fabric. A dog wouldn't be able to do this. I keep it in under my mattress to make sure it is evidence and only I know where it is. No one will ever know but me. As I try to examine my back for any marks, there weren't any to my surprise. I know I felt the pain and some drops of blood fell but looking at the mirror, there was nothing. I took an anti-anxiety pill and tried to fall asleep. I didn't sleep well. That thing reminded me of what I saw at the accident site. My mind drifts off and I find myself in the middle of the woods this time. I look up and it's a full moon. I don't recognize the surrounding, but I try walking in a direction hoping it will lead me to civilization. I hear twigs snap. Brushing off it may be an animal since I am literally in the middle of the woods. I hear more rustling and twigs snapping. I turn around. There it was. I saw it clearly. Its eyes, teeth, fur. It wasn't a bear, but it gave a slight resemblance of a wolf. What in the twilight shit is this? It jumped at me and I stared it in the eyes. I don't know why I didn't seem scared. "'I'm not scared of you. I know this is a dream" I say to it. It growls at me showing its teeth and salivates a little before backing off and disappearing. Just as it disappears, my alarm clock rings and scares the shit out of me. Whatever this thing is, it knows me, it can chase me in my dreams. Now all I have to do is find out what it is. I'm not scared of it. I survived worse. Bring it on, bitch.

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