I opened my eyes to see a blur glimpse of red and blue lights flashing. Police? Ambulance? What just happened? Those were the last thoughts I had before completely blacking out. I regain consciousness seeing white lights. I try to move but it's like my body isn't responding. "Poor thing." A female voice said softly almost as if she was about to cry. "Gods. How is she still alive?" a male voice said. "By the looks of this, it doesn't look like she will be alive for long. I say we just stabilize her and let her go in peace. She already lost both parents. She does not need any more pain." Another male voice. What? I'm here! I scream internally. I want to live. Please. Someone. HELP ME. I just hear everyone leave the room. That's it. This is how I die. The door opens again and it was a male doctor. He closed the blinds before whispering to me "you won't die. I promised your parents that I will keep you alive even if they are not here anymore." He starts injecting a sedative. Wait! The last thought I had before passing out.
What happened to me? I see lights again. The police and ambulance again. I see...a car. My dad's car but its overturned. I try to move but a sudden sharp pain hits me. All of me. I weakly turn my head to see what is going on. I saw them. My parents. In black bags about to be zipped up. I try to speak but nothing came out. The pain was too much. I couldn't even say goodbye to them. I feel something warm running down my cheek. At least I can cry. Out the corner of my eye, just as where the woods are and no light showing, I see or what I think I see are a pair of eyes just watching me before disappearing. It wasn't human. It felt evil. Maybe I'm hallucinating. Everything suddenly became white. As if the sun was in my eyes.
The light started fading and my surrounding became clear. I'm in a hospital. Just as I was accepting the new environment, a doctor walks in. "I see you're awake." He says with a warm smile. "My name is Dr Aaron Murphy. I've been the doctor in charge of you from the day you got here." He spoke. I remembered him saying...the promise made to my parents. I try to voice out. "How did you know my parents?" I croaked out. He chuckles. "We will discuss about it when you are stronger. For now, you need to rest." He said as he walked out of the room. I noticed a team of nurses and doctors huddled together looking at me. Huh. I gave an awkward smile and waved at them. their eyes were as in disbelief. I turn on the tv, flipping through the channels until I reached the news. A wildfire burned a row of houses in a suburban area. That place seems familiar. I feel like I know that place and then it hit me. That's my home. I'm orphaned and homeless now. Great. The door opens and in comes...a lady a little younger looking than my mom. I saw the tears in her eyes as she smiled and gave me a hug. Do I know her? "I'm so glad you're alive" she says as she's crying into my clothes. "Do I know you?" I asked whilst slowing pushing her away. "I'm Blake Romero" she says while wiping her tears. Romero. A familiar name. That's my mom's maiden name. Oh...My...God. "AUNT BLAKE!" I yelled as I pulled her into a hug ignoring my bodies pain. "What happened to me? To mom and dad?" I asked with tears rolling down my cheeks. She wipes them away with her hand and looks at me with tears in her eyes and says "you were in an accident sweetie. Your dad's car fell into a ditch and it was really bad." She took a breath and said "Both your mom and dad didn't make it. I'm sorry." "And what happened to our home?" I asked looking at the tv. "I think you already know. It was caused by wildfire" she said trying to calm down.
Dr. Murphy comes in and there's a gathering of nurses and doctors outside watching me again. "Am I a circus act?" I ask. He laughs. "No but your case seems to be very important because the day you were brought in every specialist said that you were going to die and even if you manage to live, you'd be paralyzed. Now let's show them the miracle they've been waiting for." He says. He hands me a pen and asks me to grab it. I grab. He tickles my feet. They move. He helps me up to a sitting position. I don't fall. I try to get my legs to the floor, and it feels cold. I can feel with my hands and feet. The moment I try to stand my feet decides to nope and I fall to the floor. Wonderful. "Points for trying but you need to take it slow kid. It's going to take a while." Dr. Murphy assures. "Just so you know, you were in a medically induced coma for over a year. Your body is weak. You've broken at least 5 ribs, both your arms and legs were a clean break with some fractures, you also suffered an aneurysm and a brain bleed which may cause amnesia. Do you remember anything that happened that day?" he asks. I shake my head as I try to remember. "Well let's get to work then" Aunt Blake cheers.

The Girl Who Cried Lycan
WerewolfWhat do we really know about vampires and werewolves? Blood lust, strength, speed? We all know they hate each other but what if they came together once in history to get rid of a common enemy which they feared could easily overpower them? This alli...