Another Side of the Story

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Prince's POV

"How you feeling?" I ask watching her walk around the room, getting ready.

"I feel fine. Why?"

"You've been sleeping better but you're working way more."

"Wasn't that the point of us doing these encores? Me working more so I could sleep?"

"Well... I mean it's also so we can play some songs we want to play for once." I've started the band doing two shows a night for about a week now. As soon as the big concert is finished, we run off stage and onto the bus to head to a smaller venue. At this bar or club, we get creative and play some of our older music but despite the extra work,
Genevieve has been waking up early to train the past few days.

"So what is wrong?"

"Mama, it's 8 am. Call time is 4."


"So why are you up? And why are you training so hard?"

"Well you invited all my old teachers and coaches to come early to the Syracuse show in three weeks. They're going to want to test my technique and I've got to straighten out before they see me."

"Makes sense to me but after breakfast I want you in this bed."

"You only ever want me in your bed." She winks before leaving the room.

I lay in bed for a moment gathering the strength to leave the warmth of the blankets. My eyes are heavy in the stillness of the morning. I can almost taste the sweet bliss of sleep when someone knocks on the door.

"Aye man open up!"

"Andre go away!"

"Nah, I have a question."

"Ask me at breakfast."

"No. It can't wait."

"Damn! Fine come in."

"I think G's dad is on the phone."

"Here I come." I get out of bed reluctantly. Why doesn't anyone ever want to sleep in? I throw the hotel robe over my bare shoulders and follow him down the hallway. Andre and Miko shuffle out of the room to give me privacy. I pick up the phone as soon as the door is shut.


"Hello? Hello, Prince good morning!"

"Hey, Anthony. What's up?"

"Florence has made plans for everyone when you get to Syracuse. I told her not to but it evolved beyond my control."

"What's the plan?"

"She wants Ellie to put on a show of her classic performances. She picked the songs, she called background singers and dancers, she even got a band. Afterwards, we'll all go to the restaurant and I'll serve dinner."

"Well how does this factor in our travel and sound check and all that?"

"Ellie sent us her schedule months ago so we always knew where she was. She planned all of this without me knowing. She thought about everything down to the penny." He sighs.

"You sound pretty down about it."

"Yes, because I am the one who has to pay. Please be grateful Ellie did not inherit her mother's expensive taste. There is more to it, son. You need to get my girl prepared."

"I think she's ready. She started going to the gym again and we've been doing more shows. She's in good shape, her instrument is running well."

"Genevieve maintains her voice and body well but it's her mind I'm worried about."

Motivation of Memories: The Second Book of the Labors of Love SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now