Chapter 16: The Final Match.

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Harry's POV
"Lets end this." Riaos voiced boomed through the whole arena. Anger boiled inside of me.
"This the end for you asshole." I said. I dashed up into the air and went to go find Emily.
I sniffed the air for her sent.
"I found you." I dashed even faster. She was at the starting building. She was on the ground tears in her eyes. I landed and ran to her.
"Emily!" I yelled. She got up and looked at me. She quickly ran into my arms. She caught me off guard.
"Harry... Im scared..." She said through sobs. She was shaking.
"Dont worry... I'm here. And i'll make sure we win this." I said as i patted her hair.
"But I want you to promise me something." I said. I pulled her out of my arms and had my hands on her shoulder.
"Knowing Riaos, he gonna fight me with the intention of killing me. I want you to promise me, not to interfer no matter what. No matter what, no matter how badly i'm getting beaten. Promise?" I said to her.
"No! I will not stand by and let you get hurt, were fighting as team!" She yelled.
"I couldn't forgive myself if you got greatly injured. Now what I want you too do... Is have Igneel's key and Grandine's key ready. Just in case." I told her. She nodded yes.
"Now, lets go finish this." I said. I crouched down and helped her get on my back.
"Hold on tight." I said. I dashed into the hair and made my way to the main building.

(Main Building.)
"Ahh... The fresh air feels soo amazing." Riaos said. He was ontop of the roof.
"Riaos!!!!!!!" He heard someone yell. Thats when he turned around and caught Harry's fist in his palm.
"My my! Look who showed up." Riaos said.
He pushed Harry back. Harry slid across the floor.
"My beloved Emily is here too. My how gorgous you look... You'll look even more gorgous onthe day we get married." Riaos said as he ran his fingers through his dark red hair.
"Thats not gonna happen, I will not marry you." Emily said.
"We'll just see about that." Riaos said. He dashed and clashed his fist into Harry's nose sending him flying into the wall. Blood gushed out of Harry's nose.
"Fuck man..." He said as he whipped it. He dashed and clashed his head into Riaos.
They locked arms. Each punched one another mulitple times. Not letting go of one another.
"Fire Dragon's Iron Fist." Harry chanted and clashed his fist into Riaos face.
"Flame God's Iron fist." Riaos said and clashed his fist into Harry's jaw.
"Harry" Emily yelled. Harry was sent back. He got up and slammed his fist on the ground.
"Dont interfer. I got this." Harry said as he spat out blood.
"Bring it weakling Dragon Slayer." Riaos said.
Harry dashed off to Riaos.
"Fire Dragon's-" Harry stopped. His gloves dissapread and he threw up blood.
"Seems someone used there power for too long." Riaos said. Harry looked up and Riaos clashed his foot to his face. Then he grabbed it and punched him in the face several times.
"Harry!!" Emily yelled as she starting running.
"No!!! Stay there. I can still fig- agh" Harry threw up blood again.
"JUST GIVE UP ALREADY ITS OVER!!!" Riaos yelled. Harry was on floor.
Riaos kicked, punched Harry again, but this time he kept going.
"How about I just kill you?" Riaos said as he had Harry by the throat. Thats when something happen. Something that changed the way the game was suppose to go.
"Nooo!!!!" It was Emily. She embraced Riaos.
"I resigned.... You win." Emily said with tears in her eyes. Riaos smiled.
Riaos threw Harry into the wall.
"I knew you would come too my side."
Riaos said as he hugged her. Harry was able to open one eye and see everything.
Riaos walked too Harry, and opened a portal.
"What are you doing?" Emily asked.
"You will never see this boy again... I'll take good care of him." Riaos said as grabbed Harry by the throat.
"No.. Please stop! Leave him." Emily said as she ran to him.
"Goodbye Harry." Riaos lifted him up and punched Harry in the stomach. Sending him flying into the portal. As he went in, it closed.
"The winner of the Rating Games. Riaos Redhound."
End of chapter 16

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