Chapter 12: Rating Games Begins!

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Whats up guys here the new chapter jope you enjoy. Like always i'll see you and the end of the chapter! Peace!.. And listen too the media. Cx
No one's POV
For the next few days, each and everyone of them train harder than ever. Learning new ablitites, making there magic stronger. Not one of them stopped, they pushed and pushed themselves too the limit. And for what? To win. They had one objective.. Which was to win...
(Few days after the training ended.)
Harry's POV
We were all gathered at Emily's
House. All prepared and ready to fight.
There was a count down, once that count down was over we were teleported to the arena, where we would battle. It was was 10... I felt my heart beat start to increase faster and faster. I looked at Emily and she was pale. We all grabbed in hand and hand.
"10.. 9....8....7...6...5...4...3..2...1" the countdown was finished and we were teleported to the arena. Everything turn into a flash. Next thing you know we were already teleported..
"Were here." Emily said. We looked around.... Thats when we found out... The arena was all of Dragonoid High.
"Hello familys... This is The host of this games.. Now let me explain the rules... There isn't any... Now death may happen in this game.. So fight with your all. Once you are completely defeated or dead, you will be teleported back to Earth. This is a other demension. So fill free to destory anything... Now.. In ... 3....2.....1
Begin." The anouncer said.
"Now you all know the plan right.." Melannine said.
"Yes!" The 4 of us said.
"Now... Start!" Melannie said.
"Roger that!" Thats when Me,Silver and Cloud walked outside the buliding. I ate a gummie and my gloves came on with the fire lite on my for head. I cracked my knuckles.
"Ready?" I said.
"Yeah!" Both of them said.
"LETS GOOO!!" I yelled. Thats when i dashed up into the air and began to sore through the sky making my way to the main building, Silver amd Cloud followed as well.
"By now... enemies should appear." I heard Silver say...
"Guys guys can you hear me?" We said yes.
"Remember... This is a life or death situation.... So fight with your all.... Promise me..." Emily said.
"Promise!" Me,Silver and Cloud said. While i was flying through the sky silver stopped.
"What wrong silver?" Cloud said. "Something is coming..." He said.. Thats when two small figures, at lightining speed came rushing toward Silver.
"Ice Dragon's Shield!" Thats when the two figure punched Silver's ice shield.
"Ahh. We hit his shield elder sis." One of them said.
"He looks strong.. And kinda hot too... But we still have to take him down." The other girl said. Me and Cloud paused. It was 2 little girls... They looked excatly alike.
"Who are you girls?" Silver said. The two girls jumped back.
"Were the The Yin And Yang twins." The two girls said.
"Im Isabel." The one with blond hair and blue eyes said.
"And Im Isabella." The one with black hair and black eyes. One of them looks kind.. The other looks dark and evil.
"Both of you.. Go on. I'll catch up with you two later." Silver said. I looked at cloud.
"AHAHAHAHA!!!!" We both started laughing.
"WHATS SO FUCKEN FUNNY?" Silver yelled.
"Nothing.... Dont lose.. Bastard." I said... And i dashed off.
"You bet ima win...." He whispered.
Me and Cloud continued our way to the main builiding.. When a huge boom! Was heard.
"What the hell?" I said. Thats when the smoke cleared an Cloud and some other dude had there fist in lock. Yellow thunder came out of Cloud side. And Black Lightning came out of the dude with green and black spikey hair.
"Ohhh... You were able to stop my attack... Impressive." The dude said.
"You look like a strong opponent... I'll take you on.." Cloud said with a grin on his face.
"The name is Thunder... Its pleasure too meet you." The guy name thubder said.
"Cloud... A Lightining Dragon Slayer." Cloud said.
"Ohh... Well this is gonna be intresting.. Show me the powers of weakling dragon slayer.." Thunder said.
"Harry! Go on. Ima knock this kid out.. I'll catch up with you later!" Cloud said. Thats when Cloud sent a fist flying and connected it to Thunder's face.
"Promise me you'll win!" I said.
"Promise ! Now go!!" He yelled.. And i dashed off.
"Already screwed up the plan.. Shit.." I said. Thats when i felt hard wind..
"Tornado Of The Buster Wing!" A huge tornado was coming straighter after me. I put my arms up and fire rushed out sending me to the floor.
"Your a fast one.." The person said.
"Where are you!" I yelled.
"Behind you." I turn as fast and caught his huge sword.
"So your my opponent... Your just as i pictured when Lord Riaos told us about you... Im Alexander."He said. He had Brown spikey hair.He jumped back and pulled his sword back.
"Winds of fury!" He yelled. Thats when a whirl pool of wind came rushing at me. I sucked up fire.
"Fire Dragon's!" I said as i sucked up fire.
"ROAR!!!" Thats when all of the fire came rushing at and clashed with the wind. They both clash, one pushed the other, then the other pushed the other. Thats when they both dissapread.
"Your strong." We both said.
"This is gonna be intresting.." Arthur said.
"It is... Just wait till i beat you into a plup." I said as i cracked my knuckles.
"Oh we will see about that!"
End of chapter 12
Hey guys. How was the chapter. We finally got the battles going woo!! But anyways hope you enjoy and i'll see you guys next time.

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