Chapter 7: The Present Left Behind.

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Hey guys. Hows everyone doing. Im doing great. Well here's the new chapter hope you enjoy.

Listen to the media when i tell

You too cx


Harry's POV

I woke up.. A ceiling fan blew air straight into my face. My vision was still blurry. I heard whispers in the room I was in. I didnt know where i was.. But i felt banges wrapped around me.

"Oh well look who's awake." I rubbed my eyes so my vision could steady. It was Cloud.

"Hey guys... What happen?... And why does my right eye hurt." I said to them. Thats when i notice a bandage covered my right eye.

"You crushed it." Emily said.

"What! How?" I said as i began to panic.

"Your fight with Issac? Don't you remember?" Melannie said. Thats when i started remembering my battle with Issac.

"That was pretty reckless you know." Silver said.

"I'm sorry.." I said as i bowed my head.

There was a long pause...

"It's okay... Like Igneel told us.. You have to do anything to get out of a life or death situation in order to live." Emily said as she broke the silence..

"Im sorry..... Im soo sorry for making you all worry..." I said as i clenched my fist..

"You didnt make us worry... We knew you would be victorious." Melannie said.

Thats when my eyes widened.... They werent just my friends... There my family... They mean evergthing to me... I have to protect them at all Cost...

"Thank you....." I said in a low tone. I got out of bed...

"You arent suppose to get out of bed!!" Emily said as she try to put me back on the bed...

"I hope you know.. I have a body link too someone... If i die.. They doe the same death as me."Issac's death sentence ran through my head head.

"I have to go see my mother.... Dont follow me!"

I pushed her aside and began running through the halls. I made it outside of the school, and i began running straight home.

"Please be safe...mother!" I whispered to myself.

(Okay now play the media!)

I arrived at the white gate of our house. I was panting for breath, I opened the gate. My heart began to pound furiously. I got to the door to the house. My hands began to shake as i reached for the doornob. I opened the door.. All the lights were turned off... Thats when i found a body on the floor. I closed the door behind me and walked up to the body. A pool of blood surrounded the body.. And thats when i notice.. The white strands of hair that werent covered in blood...

"M-mother?" I manged to say. I dropped to my knees.... It was my mother.... I layed her on my lap... A huge whole was at her stomach area..

"H-harry.." She mange to say.

"Mother! Dont speak!" I felt the tears began to flow down my face.

"I-i c-can't g-go m-much l-l-onger.." She coughed vigorously. Blood came out as she coughed.

"I-I w-want y-you t-to k-know i-i love y-you.... T-take c-care..." Her final words....

"Mom! Mom!! Wake up!!! MOM!!! WAKE UP!!!" I began to yell.

"I cant lose you!!! Please wake up!!! Mom!!!!" I yelled. By now tears were spilling everywhere....

"MOM!!!!!!!!" I yelled at the top of my lungs.

3 week later... At the Fiore Cementery.

My eye was fully recovered. I was able to see good now. I missed a 3 full

Weeks of school. My friends came looking for me.. Knocked on my door but i never answered... I was at Fiore cemetery.. Paying a visit to my dead mother...

"Here lies Mirajane Strauss. A loving mother. May you rest in peace." The stone said.. Thats when little drop lets came down.. Soon it was raining. I placed the roses on her grave.. It was her favorite type of flowers. The rain came pouring down...

"Hey mom..." I whispered to myself.

Thats when i fell my knees. And began too cry..

"If only i fucken knew! This wouldnt of fucking happen. If that fucken stupid gummie bear never showed up. If Issac never existed this wouldnt of fucken
happened!" I said as tears spilled everywhere.

"Damm it!" I repeated as i slammed my fist to the ground....

"So this is where you have been? This is why you havent showed up to school in 3 weeks..." The person behind me said. I got up and looked back... It was Emily..

"Im sor-" Thats when i was cutt of. Emily had her arms wrapped around me.

"Let it all out... Im here for you..." She whispered... Thats when more tears began to spill... I hugged her back..

Really tight. After our long hug.. I looked at the grave..

"Goodbye.. Mother.." I whispered..

I whipped my tears.. And got up on both feet...

"I'll make you proud... I will take care of my self..." I said to myself... And i began walking away from the grave with Emily... Who knows... What lies ahead of us.. After this.... I clenched my fist.
"I guess this is how life is."

I said to myself..But i will be prepared.. To protect my friends at any cost...

End of chapter 7.. End of Arc 1...

Hope you guys enjoyed. And i'll

See you at the start if the second arc...

"The Unwanted Marriage" is the new arc. Bye guys!


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