Chapter 18: Party Crasher!

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While everyone was dancing, having a wonderful time, Emily's father walked up to the stage and grabbed the microphone.
"Ladies and Gentlemen, may I present to you my daugher Emily Sky and her husband Riaos RedHound!" The hall erupted with claps and whistles. They both appread out of fire, Riaos was waving at everyone, while Emily just stood there and smiled. Melannie was Emily's bridemaid, she was sitting down at a table with wine in her cup.
"I wonder if Silver and Cloud were able to break Harry out." Melannie whispered to herself as she bit her red nail's from frustration.
"I would like a toast, a toast to my beautiful beloved wife Emily, and to everyone the came to our special day." Riaos said aloud. Everyone raised there cup, and toasted to it.
"Now lets get to dan-" There was a explosion. Everyone stood quiet. Another one happen, the guards quickly ran up to the door of the hall to defend.
"What's going on?" Emily said.
Thats when a guard was sent flying through the door, and fire misted away.
"Sorry for ruining a special day like this, but I had no choice." The mysterious person said as the dust cleared.
"Took these guy's long enough" Melannie said as she got up from her seat.
The mysterious person was at the entrance of the hall, fire was surrounding him.
"Impossible, how was he able to break out my prison!" Riaos roard.
"Harry!" Emily yelled as tears were spilling from her eyes.
"I came for you, and I'm not leaving without you." Harry said. As Emily was about to run to Harry, Riaos stopped her.
"What is your busniess here Harry?" Mr.Sky asked. Harry clenched his fist, and fire erupted, his eyes beamed with rage.
"I came to defeat Riaos, and take Emily back." Harry said.
"So you object this marriage?" He asked.
"Emily should able to marry someone she truly loves. Someone she's willing to give everything to, and the person she's marrying should do the same. She should marry someone that will pick her up when shit goes to hell, someone that will make her happy, and Riaos is not that person." Harry said. Harry looked deep into Mr.Sky's eyes, his eyes were not the same caring, strong anymore, a dark arura was surrounding Harry glanced at Mrs.Sky, the same arura was around her too. They both were being manipulated by Riaos. Riaos started laughing.
"It seems you figured it out." Riaos said as he started walk to Mr.Sky.
" I acutally thought I would get away with this, but shit happens that causes your plan to go bad." Riaos said as he took his black sword from its holder.
"Time to move to plan B." He stabbed Mr.Sky straight through the chest, Mr. And Mrs.Sky were free from the spell.
"Father!" Emily yelled.
"Mr.Sky!!" Harry yelled.
Mrs.Sky quickly ran to her husband, and so did Harry and Emily.
"R-rioas! You bastard..." Mr.Sky yelled. Riaos simply laughed in evil.
"What wonderful things are about to happen, first victim down, 2 more to go." Riaos said.
"Harry.. Pull this sword out of me." Mr.Sky said as he grabbed Harry's hand. Harry nodded and pulled it out. Mr.Sky screamed in pain, Emily quickly pulled out Grandine's key and told her to heal him as quickly as possible.
"No Emily, the sword percied my heart, I dont have much time, but I will say this. I love you and your mother so much, you two were the reasons I picked myself up from bed every morning, to make you two happy. You were all I had left in this world, and Im sorry for letting myself get like this.." Mr.Sky coughed up blood. Emily was in her mother's arms crying.
"And Harry.. Come closer." Harry got closer to Mr.Sky.
"Yes sir?" He replied.
"Harry, I think of you as the son I never had. From the times we played catch, from the times I even took you places with us. I cherish every memory I had with you and my beloved daughter and wife. Ever since then, you were the person I always wanted Emily to marry. I knew you were the right guy for her, so I have a favor to ask you.... Take care of Emily, she may be tough at times, but I know you'll be able to handle it.. I trust you son... " Mr. Sky said. Tears were spilling from Harry's eyes, he clenched Mr.Sky's hand.
"I will do everything in my power to protect her Sir!" Harry sobbed.
"I know I can count on you, but now take this monster out and get everyone to safety... And one more thing. " Mr.Sky said. He used all the remaning strength and placed his palm to Harry's chest.
"Take the power of the Dark Beast I have, your the one that will need this power from now on. Take good care of everyone.. Become strong Harry." His eyes rolled back, and Harry shut his eyes.
"Daddy!!" Emily yelled. She began to sob on his bloody chest. Harry released the grip he had on Mr.Sky's hand. He wipped the tears from his eye, got up with the sword in his hand.
Harry pointed the sword straight at Riaos throat.
"Riaos, you have gone to far now. I shall not let you mess with my beloved family anymore. This day shall be your last day on Earth, you will die today!" Harry roard in rage. Fire erupted and surrounded Harry.
"Mode: Darkness Flame Dragon." Black Fire erupted all over Harry.
"Harry!" Emily yelled.
"Don't worry, you stay put and keep your mother company. I will end this bastard, and take you home safe." Harry looked back and smiled at her.
"Don't die Harry, because if you die, I will have no reason to live anymore.." Emily said. Harry hugged her.
"I'll be back soon, watch me beat this guy to a pulp." Harry said.
"Now, shall we end this Harry? I wanna see what your new powers can do.. And it will be a pleasant feeling to kill you to." Riaos said.

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