Chapter 14: Yin-Yang Thunder EmperorFire Olympus

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Chapter 14: Yin-Yang,Thunder Emperor,Fire Olympus
The three stared at there opponets, they knew they were getting strong.,but they also knew they werent going down without a good fight.And they promised themselves they would win.
(Cloud's fight.)
"Be hold, The power of a Lightning Emperor." Thunder said. Dark black Lightning began too swirl around him.
"A Lightining Emperor?... I thought those were myths." Cloud said.
"See? It's reality... And your power doesnt compare too mine." Thunder said. They both rushed each other and colliated there fist with each other.
"Fly." Thas when Cloud was sent flyinf into a buliding.
"Shit." Cloud said.
"There's more.!" Thunder was straight in his face. He began to throw quick god like punches that made Cloud smash through walls.
"Is this all you got DRAGON SLAYER?!" Thunder said as he smashed him into the ground multiple times.
"Never thought you were this strong..." Cloud said.
"Hahaha!" Thunder threw a punch and sent Cloud straight through the floors of the building.
"Ghah!" Cloud said as he coughed up blood. He landed on the final
Floor and Thunder kicked him out of the building before he landed. Cloud slid on the floor and came too a stop. Thats when Thunder landed ontop of him.
"Weakling dragon slayer.... Your no match too a Emperor." Thunder said.
"Pant pant." Was all Cloud was able to respond.
"Its over." Thunder flew up into the air.
dark black lightning began to form into a ball between his hands... It got bigger and bigger and bigger.
" Lightning Emperor's Spiral Of Death." Thunder launched the huge spehere straight at Cloud..
The spehere clashed into cloud... The ground began to crack.
"What?!" Thunder looked shocked. Cloud began too suck the spehere.
"Impossible!?" Thunder said. Cloud finished sucking the spehere.
"Thank you for the meal." Cloud said.
"How?!!" Thunder roared.
"I forced it... I forced my body too make a new vessel for you magic.. Thats why i let you beat the crap out of me... It gave me time too do it." Cloud explained.
"Graahhhh!!!!!" Thunder roared as he charged up.
"Now its my turn too beat you into a plup bastard!" Cloud said as black and yellow lightning whirled around him.
(Silver's Fight.)
The two yin-yang sisters began too form white and black cloaks around themselves.
"Mr.Silver is time for you to die now! Hehe." They both said.
"Shit..." He murmured. They both charged at him throughing fist and kicks that connected into's Silver's body. They pounded him left and right, then they gave there final blow and they both smash Silver into the ground breaking 2 ribs. The two twins jumped back.
"Is it over for you?" They both said. Thats when Ice... Began too leak... Out of silver like if it was water.. Silver was standing up... Ice wings sprouted out of his back, his hands turned into ice claws, and he greww a ice tail. His hair was spikey and he had light blue marks on his face.
"Now you've made me angry!!!!!" Silver roared.
Silver dashed and caught both of them by the head and smashed them toegther, over and over. He then smashed them into the floor.
"Guahh." They both said while coughing up blood.
"Is that all you got?" Silver said.
(Harry's fight)
Both him and Alexander dashed at each other punching,kicking and headbudding. Trying to seee if they can land a hit on there oppents.. Thats when Alexander was able too land a hit on Harry. He clashed the handle of his sword to Harry's cheek. Alexander sent him flying, making Harry colliate with the floor. Alexander dashed straight down and crashed both of his feet in Harry's stomach.
"Gahhh!" Harry said as he coughed up blood.
"Hahaha!!!" Alexander said. He jjumped up and smashed hos feet into Harry's stomach again.. Again ... And again. The ground under Harry a huge whole.
"Stand up Fucker." Alexander said. He lifted up his sword and stabbed Harry straight threw his shoulder. He lifted it out of Harry's shoulder, which caused Harry too yell. He stabbed his other shoulder.
"I like the way you yell... Its like music to my ears." Alexander said. He lift his sword on fire.
He was about too stab Harry in the chest but Harry caught his sword.
"You said your sword was made out of the 4 elements..... And right now you have a fire... You know what that means?" Harry said.
"What? You death sentence." Alexander replied.
"It food too me!" Harry said. Thats when he sucked out all of Alexander's fire magic from his Fire Olympus.
"What!!! Impossible!" Alexander roared.
"Its my turn now!" Harry lit his fist on fire and crashed it into Alexander's face sending him flying into the air. Harry flew up and clashed both of his hands together.
"FIRE DRAGON'S JAW BREAKER!!!!!!" Harry roared. He clashed both of his hands onto Alexander's head. The blow sent him flying at rapid speed. Alexander was anle too catch himself.
"Shit.. That hurt..." He said. He said as a rubbed his head. Harry landed on the floor and stared at him.
"Well... Lets finish this." Alexander said. Huge ammounts of magic floodded all around Alexander. Fire,Wind,Lightning,and Earth. All of these elements formed a black one. It swirled around him.
"Secret Art Of Gear Magic: Darkness Gauntlets." Alexander aaid. The darkness formed into gaunlets on his fist.
"This may even take my life... But its for Master Riaos!!!!" Alexander roared.
"Dragon Slayer Secret Art" Harry said.
"FIST OF FURRY!!!!!" He yelled. His right fist turned into a huge fire armored gaunlet that covered his full arm..
"ITS OVER DRAGON SLAYER!!!!!" Alexander said as he dashed toward Harry.
"THIS IS FOR EMILY!!!!!!" Harry roared.
End of chapter 14.

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