Chapter 10. Rating Games: Training.

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Whas up guys. Hows everyone? Im
Doing great... Here's the new chapter...
Hope you enjoy^~^
Chapter 10:Rating Games:Training.
No one's POV
Deep in the forest of Fault Hills....just outside of the city of magnolia. There lyed.. A boy in the middle of a waterfall....Hovering... And medidating...
Harry's POV
I breathed in and out.. I relaxed m self.. I need to be strong enought to win this games, for Emily. I have to win at all cost.... This was all for Emily's sake... I do not want her to marry someone lke that asshole..... I've been praticeing my magic for quite awhile... Iv learn a little
More to my magic. I learn that I can eat fire.. I read it from a book called
"The Secret Of Dragon Slayer Mgaic."
I was hovering of my gloves... I opened my eyes and began to suck up fire for my attack.There was a huge boulder right in front of me.
"Fire Dragon's!" I said as i sucked up the fire.
"ROAR!!!!" I yelled, fire instantly came rushing out and hit the boulder causing it to crush and fall into the water.
"Its gotten stronger from the last time." I whispered to myself. From thre book i read i learned more combos and more attacks. Lime Fire Dragon's Taloons, Wing Attack, Swordhorn, and Exploding blade..flew and landed infront of a tree.
"Lets see if this new attack will
Work...." I said. I began to concentrate.. I set my hands out and fire began to cover them.. Soon they turned into a sythe. I pulled back behind me. And flung it toward me and cutted several tree's down, after that the sythe dissapread.
"Fire Dragon's Sythe aint so bad..." I said as i gasp for air. I clenched my fist..
"More... I need to be more stronger!!!" I yelled.
"Harry!!! Lunch is ready!" I hears someone yell. I looked back and it was Emily.
"I'll be there in a minute.." I said. She turned around and started walking back to the cabin.
"Im definitely gonna win this!"
(Dinner swag cx)
We were all around the table eating lunch.. And there it was... The last cheese burger... I got up and grabbed when... Cloud and Silver both placed there hands ontop of mine..
"This is mine. Back off." I said.
"No its mine back off." Cloud said.
"Screw you assholes, its mine." Silver said. Thats when the three of us bumped heads.
"Wanna goo assholes?" The three of us said. Thats when we walked out.
"There gonna do it again... Like last time." Melannie said as she facepalmded.
We were outside. The three of us faced each other.
"When was the last time we did this?" I said as I cracked my knuckles.
"Back in middle school... It sure brings back memories." Silver said.
"I can't wait to kick your guys asses again... That burger is mine.." Cloud said. I ate the gummie and my gear came on. I flew up into the air.
"I guess I have to refere this..."
Melannie said. She walked into the middle us 3..
(Play the media for the fight)
Melannie walked into the middle of the 3 boys.
"Magic is allowed in this duel... After all... You idoits are battling for a burger.. Retards.... But START!!Melannie said as dashed back. The three boys smiled.. And thats when Cloud and Silver dashed straight toward Harry.
"Ice Dragon's Iron Fist!"
"Lightining Dragon's Iron Fist"! The both yelled out there attacks.
"Idoits.." Harry said as i grabbed there fist and threw them. Harry dash straight to Silver.
"Fire's Dragon's Scythe!" Harry clashed his Fire scythe on Silver and sent him to the ground.
"LIGHTINING DRAGON'S SPEAR!"A spear of Lightining came rushing straight at Harry.. Harry made a force field with his fire.
"So you've gotten better at defense huh asshole." Cloud said as he landed on the ground.
"He sure has gotten stronger from the last time." Silver said. Harry landed and they all stared at each other.
They all began to suck up there element.
"ROAR!!!!" The three said. Thats when Fire,Ice, and Lightining clash each other. The impacted pushed the three back and they dashed at each other. Silver threw a kick but Harry caught it with his hand and swung Silver and made him coalide with Cloud. They both got up.. But Cloud was quickly behind Harry and struck him with a kick.
"Lightining Dragon's Taloon!" Cloud said as he clashed his foot. And right when cloud struck... Silver had clashed both of them with a attack.
"Ice Dragon's Wing Attack!"
"Shit bearly made it out of that one." They both said.
"Ice Dragon's Spike Floor!" Silver clasp his hands on the ground and it turned into spikey ice floor. Cloud jumped up and So did Harry.
"This asshole is good for his speed with summoning spells." Harry said. Harry noticed Cloud was open so
He dashed with his fist lit on fire.
"FIRE DRAGON'S IRON FIST!" And clash it with Cloud's face. Cloud was sent flying into Silver's Spikey iced floor.
"Shit... Lightining Dragon's Spear!" Cloud threw a spear made out of lightining and broke the floor.
The three were staring at each other. The three dashed straight into each other and started throughing punches and kicks at lighting speed.
"Wow... Now this is instense.." Emily said.
"It is... But so is this burger." Melannie said.
"Wait... Your eating the burger?.. So that means." Emily stopped and poundered.
"Yup.. There fighting for no reason.." Melannie said as she took a bite of the burger.
"Your evil..." Emily said.
After about 30 minutes they seperated... The three boys out of breathe.
"You guys sure have gotten stronger" they said to each other. The three looked over... But the burger wasnt there...
"What the hell.." Harry said as he tilted his head.
"Too late.. It was getting cold so i ate it." Melannie said.
"What in the acutal fuck...." Silver said.
"She ate it..." Cloud said.
"Dont worry... I'll make more... But you guys sure did put up a fight..." Melannie said as she walked up to them..
"It good.... Were gonna win this... For Emily..." She finished.
"And thats a promise..." The theee boys said.
"Alright. Come on. Lets go in side.. So i can make you your burgers."Melannie said.
End of chapter 10.

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