Chapter 1 The page where it all started...

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As you enter the coffee shop next morning with a few books in hand, the moment you step in his attention turns to you. Honestly it was as if he even forgot he was working..

It was as if he literally had a sixth sense specialized just for you...

You look towards him and stop at the door, a smile dances across your face. As you waved at him a few of your books slip slightly causing that wave to be short-lived. A soft tint of red crept into his cheek, he then just turned away and went back to working,

You giggled quietly and walked towards your usual spot sitting quietly as you opened a new fresh book you had just picked up from the bookstore. You admired the scenery, the leaves gliding along the gentle breeze as they danced in harmony.. Finally you read the first few words on the first page...

"This place, a sea of colors and different hues... so peaceful, yet so painful"

As you kept reading you slowly got lost within the words and scenes of the story until you heard a gentle clack on the table that interrupted your train of imagination.

When you reluctantly pry your eyes away from your book and looked up, you see him putting your usual cup of coffee on the wooden surface. This time he had a smile.

"Sorry.. Here's your usual coffee though"

You smile in response, taking out your wallet to pay for the coffee but he quickly pushes your hand back and stops you. He places another plate on the table that had two tarts sitting prettily on that plate.


"It's alright..- Just enjoy.."

After he walked away back to the counter you were left speechless. You mind trying to just process what had just happened. Were you just imagining things?

Your smile grew a bit wider as you look at the hot coffee and the treats that were left on your table, indulging in the generosity that he showed.


While you enjoyed the gentleness of the hot coffee in your hand you feel a presence behind you as if they were reading the book with you wanting to experience the wonders of this book just like how you wish to.

You turn around to be met with the beautiful ocean blue eyes of the familiar boy from the counter. Those beautiful eyes were enough to leave you speechless and drowning in a sea of swirling emotions. He seemed interested in the book but just turned away and acted like it was nothing when you looked at him.

You chuckled slightly and shake your head, finding it adorable how he became shy at how you admired his eyes. Turning back to your book as you continued reading getting lost within the words and pages that expressed the stories events.. you close your eyes and smile as various romantic scenarios filled your head.

Those magical scenes came to a stop when somebody whispers in your ear with a gentle, warm, soft tone.

"What's the book about..?"

You open your eyes to find Giyu sitting on the chair that was across yours, he seemed embarrassed after asking rethinking whether or not was it a good idea he had asked.

"Why do you ask?"

"It-seems interesting" He replied, and that's how it all started.


While you explained the plot of the book by how you had interpreted everything, he listened attentively making sure to take note of everything, every little detail, every single information he could get.

His attention wasn't on the book you were telling though.. it looked like it was more on your eyes

You booped his nose slightly and that was enough to stop him from spacing out

"You good?"

You asked in a calm tone patiently waiting for him to get his bearings.

He blushes lightly either from embarrassment or from being caught staring and stands up

"Y-yeah-uhm thank you for telling me..."

You watch as he turned and walked away without saying anything else and a small feeling of loneliness starts to grow within your mind.

"Alright then-"

A gloomy smile seems to find it's way onto your lips as you huffed out a disappointed sigh and take off your glasses. You look outside the window watching the petals of the sakura tree fall to the ground covering the green grass with a gentle pink hue allowing for a comforting romantic atmosphere to it.

You gently pitched your earphones on and play some soft music as you return to your book, indulging in the moments that were enough to stop time.


Rain had started pouring outside only a few minutes ago-because of that the temperature inside the coffee shop started to grow cold and boy did it felt freezing in there.

You rub your hands together trying to stay warm as you continue reading wanting to be lost back into the fantasy rather than feel the freezing cold.

You feel a comfy piece of cloth wrap you from behind that sort of helped with the freezing cold, when you turn around it was Giyu putting his jacket on you and yet he avoided your gaze feeling quite shy about the small act

His jacket was quite unique honestly.. it's also really pretty because of its two type design

"You.. seem cold"

He spoke quietly, smiled-barely.. and draped the jacket over your shoulders, then he went back to serving the other people in the store

When sunset came it was still raining quite hard, instead of the soft hues of pink and orange bathing the world beneath it.. everything was soaking in the gloominess of the pouring rain. You didn't really bring an umbrella with you so when you were supposed to return the jacket he just told you to return it some other time seen as you were a regular here.

"Ehh? Are you sure?"

"I don't mind"

"Well.. then have this"

You give him the book you were reading earlier and chuckled, he looked puzzled and before he could reply you quickly ran off and headed back home wanting to get back before it got anymore worse.

The moment he opened the book though.. there was a light pink sticky note attached to the back of the cover with something written on it

"Your jacket is nice.. oh- and here's my number"

As you were walking back home a small smile formed on your lips, gripping his jacket he let you borrow while kept the hood up to avoid getting wet since you stupidly forgot an umbrella.

It was a romantic idea you were trying to push away but you couldn't help but entertain it. Would it be so wrong to be delusional and have fantasies?


While walking the rain started pouring harder, you hid your bag within the jacket so your stuff wouldn't get wet and held onto the hood so it wouldn't get blown away and result in your head getting soaked.

You were still a bit far from your house so you sighed and sat down in one of the bus stops, waiting for the rain to stop or at least become into a drizzle.

When you opened your phone an unknown number was calling you so you answered it

"Uhm.. hello?"

Silence.. there was no reply. Before you got to say something else the person on the end of the line then spoke. They seemed... worried? Or panicked.

"You're still outside..?"

You chuckle nervously at his question and sigh knowing you couldn't dodge and lie seen as the sound of rain was already a dead giveaway as to where you were right now.

"Yeah.. rain started to come down harder so I'm waiting at a bus stop-"

Then.. he just hung up, not even saying goodbye.


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