Chapter 3 Perfume

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The next morning you woke up due to how the warm gentle rays of sunlight were leaking into the room and had spilled through the blinds of the living room. As your eyes slowly gain the strength to flutter open: you try to rub away any lingering evidence of sleep from them.

With a little more shifting you were finally able to sit up, ruffling your hair to try and flex out any knots that had accumulated during your slumber.

Your hand slowly reached up to the cloth draped over you like a blanket.. fingers gently clutching the soft fabric that had kept you snug and warm the whole night: It was the jacket you had him wear last night...

After a few moments of spacing out you finally snapped back to your senses: You slowly stood up, stretching out your arms to get rid of any more left over evidence of the satisfying sleep you had. You hunched down to pick up the blanket you had been laying on, folding it up into a neat cushion before setting it down onto the couch.

You were cleaning up from last night when your eyes eventually glanced towards the table—where you found a sticky note stuck onto the glass surface.

"I left around 6 for my shift, you know where to find me"

A honey-sweet smile finds its way upon your lips the moment your mind drifts off to the events from the previous night. The encouragement he spoke of last night still lingered in your thoughts and you couldn't help but feel motivated by them—Soon you finished cleaning up and went to get ready for probably another cozy day in the coffee shop.

While you were getting ready for the day you distinctly remembered that you had put his jacket inside the dryer so it could hopefully dry up and you could return it. As soon as you were done gathering your stuff you swiftly head towards the dryer and take out the now clean and dry jacket.

You spray a bit of your perfume on it—making sure it smelled nice and folded it up neatly before finally putting it in your bag and heading out for the day.

After about a twenty minute walk you could finally smell the strong scent of coffee beans accompanied by the gentle breeze of the winds. You were just about to head when a little girl had accidentally bumped into you in the midst of playing with her friends.

As you knelt down to make sure she wasn't hurt, your eyes were able to decipher a hint of embarrassment and anxiety in her sweet amber eyes. Your hands gently brush away a strand off stray hair from her forehead before helping her up—you reached into the pocket of your bag and pulled out a small flower pin: using it to securely pin back her bangs so they weren't blocking her vision.

Once you were sure she wasn't hurt, you gave her a soft reassuring smile before nodding and watching her ran back with her friends now carrying a gleaming smile with her.

When you turn around to walk into the building, you were met with Giyu who was standing behind you—looking at the girl...

His eyes held a hint of longing but they were overshadowed by the affection that sparked in his deep ocean eyes.


You waited in the coffee shop for about a few hours just reading a book (like usual). He told you that his shift would end in three hours and had insisted you spent the day outside—but you were stubborn, and decided you would rather wait patiently

Once he came out of the staff locker room after changing out of his uniform he was wearing something more comfortable—plain white cotton shirt that brought out the beautiful hue of his eyes.

"Giyuuuuuu!" You happily called out as soon as you caught a glimpse of him walking out the room.

He looked towards you and raised one hand slightly giving you a small but acknowledging wave as he approached you and silently gestured to the door: asking if you wanted to headed out.

The two of you soon leave the coffee shop and walk along the sidewalk heading towards the park nearby.

"You literally waited 3 whole hours?" He asked with a hint of disbelief in his tone as he looked at you with a small disappointed frown

"I mean, if it means I get to spend the day with someone, I don't mind."

He scoffed at your response and tucked his hands away in his pockets. You were able to catch the slight growing hue on his cheeks before he immediately turn away 'looking' around. As you two reached the park, you look for a bench that was under a tree so it would provide shade from the beaming sun. Once you find the desired spot, the both of you sit down and you soon reach into your bag

"If that's another book don't—"

"Here, I got it dried overnight"

You cut him off then shortly after handed him his jacket—A gleeful smile on your lips as a soft giggle left your throat. Once he took the jacket back he had quickly caught onto the slight difference and slowly brought it up to his face.

"Did you put perfume on this..?"

"Oh sorry, did you not-"

"I like it.."

You paused, your mind processing the words that had just left him. He liked it...? You sigh in relief and lean back against the bench.. eyes drifting towards him as he slipped on his jacket.

Boredom eventually finds you and you quietly reached into your bag to pull out the book you had been reading earlier at the coffee shop

You hear a scoff before his hands comes to push down the book into your lap so you could meet his eyes. "Can't you go a day without reading a book?" He asks, feigning annoyance. A small chuckle left your throat as you sighed putting back the book in the bag.

"Alright alright, I won't read a book"

He looks towards the distance and stands up lending out a hand for you to take. You gladly take it—He pulls you up and starts walking ahead, you followed closely behind as you two started walking along the sidewalk again.

"Where we going?" You asked curiously as you looked at him trying to read his expression.

"You'll know"

You sigh at his vague reply knowing you wouldn't be able to pry any information from him so you just kept following him as both of you walked along the sidewalk glancing at the cherry trees and the structures around the area that made such a scenic route for a calm peaceful walk.

You didn't even realized you stop until he holds your wrist tugging it gently while looking down at your hand like a confused child.

"Alriiiight" you replied playfully—rolling your eyes in amusement as you continued to walk in step beside him.

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