Chapter 2 His idea

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After a while of waiting around for the rain to come to a halt or at least become a soft gentler sprinkle a sigh finds its way out of your throat and soon you find yourself reluctantly deciding to get up. The rain was still pouring down like there was no tomorrow, its loud murmurs sounding like ten thousand people whispering around you about the habits you acquire—about the silly lazy routine you've become used to that dictated your daily life. You'll get yourself wet—that's obvious yet it wouldn't be wise to stay out in the pouring rain just out in the open of a dimly lit street like that, especially in the dead of night.

As you continue your walk back to your home you were only a few steps away from the bus stop when you suddenly feel the rain no longer pouring on to you and yet around you it was the complete opposite. The rain did not stop yet it no longer felt as if it was coming down on you.

You look up to see an umbrella being the reason as to how you are now currently 'dry' and when you turned to meet the eyes of the one who held it your breath would stop for a moment. Time seemed to freeze and even the loud whispers of the streaming rain no longer seemed to drown your ear. It was him.

"Sorry I took a while.. shift ended a few minutes ago" He spoke softly, voice as gentle as a seraphs lullaby as if he was afraid he would scare you away like a stranger stalking you in the middle of nowhere.

You came back to your senses—reminding yourself as to where you currently were at the moment. Your usual bright smile seemed to light up even this dark street the both of you stand in. It lit up even the dark heaven above that seemed to be weeping for god knows what reason, and soon.. a soft enchanting giggle leaves your lips allowing the silence to be broken.

"You didn't have to rush here you know, you look more wet than I do."

"Yeah—but.." He tried to continue but it seems his voice just... trails off finishing the sentence in his head.


He paused for a moment and you swore you caught a glimpse of how his eyes were laced with a hesitation a child's held when they were told that they were moving to another country—but that was only for a moment. You never got to ask more in to detail since seconds later a sigh came from the man standing before you as he shook off his thoughts

"Nevermind.. I'll take you home"


He cut off the next words that threatened to leave your head by simply holding you by the arm and nudging you forwards to get you to start walking in the direction of your home.

You couldn't help but ask yourself in that moment: What was that hesitation in his eyes? What was the reason why he was so insistent?

Did he actually care..?

As you ponder on this thoughts your curiosity continued to grow like an unfed beast demanding for answer and yet you sighed and shrugged it off. It was not important, if he did not talk about it—then it was not important.

Your hand found purchase on his sleeve like a child seeking a secure reassurance from a parent and soon you started walking with him: covering you both from the rain with the umbrella he held over your head.


As soon as the both of you reached your small peaceful abode, you walked up to the door and turned the knob—pushing the door open in order to allow him inside even if was completely opposed to the idea and would rather head off.

He placed his umbrella inside the holder that was in the corner of the entrance, allowing it to slowly drip off the water from the rain outside.

As he looked around he couldn't help but notice the emptiness that seemed to envelop your home. For a moment he hesitated but in the end he spoke: "You live alone?"

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