***April 10th***
The bell rang and I finished up on my last note before I put my book into my bag. It was lunchtime already. I hurry down the hallway and make it to my locker without getting shoved too many times. I pop the lock and open my locker, shoving my books inside and grabbing my $4 for lunch. I get in line and wait for what seems like forever. This food is disgusting but hey, at least it's a little something.
Four dollars anywhere else could buy you an apple, that's about it though.
I carry my tray of pizza, french fries and an apple over to a table far away from everybody else. There are only 3 people sitting there, Allan, my friend, Tucker, and Tucker's girlfriend, Allison. I walk over and sit down in the chair next to Allan. They all say hello and continue in whatever conversation they were having. I just nibble on the end of a fry and stare off, as usual. I am only pulled back into the conversation when Ally asks what I like to do for fun. She hadn't really been around long enough to know me very well yet.
"I like to read, that's about it though. I don't have time for much else."
"Oh, cool, I like reading too. What book are you reading?"
"It's called City of Ashes, it's a part of a series called The Mortal Instruments. You should read it."
"That sounds really cool, I've never heard of it though," she says shaking her head a little.
"I'm surprised, it's a really popular series."
"I stick more to the kinds of books I've started. I'm reading New Moon right now." She smiles and pulls out the book. "It's really good, you should read it."
"Oh, you like those kinds of 'books'... Okay, you probably wouldn't like my books." I finally realized how such a preppy sort of girl could like books. Probably because she reads books about sparkly vampires and shirtless werewolves.
"Have you ever read it?"
"Yeah, I did, I wasn't a big fan of it. I finished it though!"
"Oh, that's too bad, I really like it."
Tucker was about to say something when the bell rang, signaling that it was time for class again. I threw away my empty tray and headed off to my locker again. This time when I opened it, there was no note, but my bin had been emptied and my books were in the bin instead. I picked up my books, brushing them off and stacking them back up onto the shelf, an grabbed the ones I needed for the rest of the day.
The bell rang for the last time of the day, and of the week. Finally I can be away from all of these people. I went outside and walked down the many roads for about half an hour before I reached the library. I went into the back and clocked in, I was a little early today. I went over to my spot near the door where I would take the newly checked in books back to where they belonged. I grabbed a cart full of newly returned books and wheeled it down the rows, tucking them into their little homes and skipping the ones that were blocked by people. After 20 minutes I finished up all of the books on that cart and went to get another.
I did this 7 more times before It was finally time for me to leave, it was time for my night job that I worked every Friday and Saturday night. The one nobody knows about. I had to ride the bus for 45 minutes before I made it to where I needed to be. I walked down the sidewalk for about a block and then turned into the parking lot of the gentlemen's club.
I walk inside and head into the back room to get changed. I change into a rather short dress and stilettos and hurry out to the bar. I put on my little badge that says my name is Roxy. It's easiest to take on a new identity when working at a place like this. I nudge the current bartender, Jasmine, in the side, letting her know her round is over.
My Life: Congrats, You Lost Me
أدب المراهقينGood days and bad days, we all have them, right? Well I suppose, but I hope your bad days never end up like mine. Find out why by reading on. **Trigger Warnings** Multiple chapters, just a heads up. Some things come up sometimes. **Currently Under...