****July 18th****
"Miss Taylors, you need to tell us what happened with your mother."
The officer's stony face showed no sign of compassion, nor did he seem to care what I had been through. "I've told you officer. That woman was not my mother anymore. Not after she tried to hurt my sister."
"I understand, but you have to tell us everything that happened unless you want to be sent to prison for murder, Jessamine."
"Alright fine. My father died when I was young, and about 6 years ago, my mother spiraled into depression and took up drugs and drinking, spending all our money on it, leaving me to take care of my little sister. I worked 3 jobs, and had to hide most of my money in my room in a locked cash box to keep her from buying booze with it.
"My sister was in band, so I helped pay for that in any way I could. I was bullied by everyone in the school for years, because they all knew about how my mom acted around town, especially with the fact that she slept around with so many of their parents and other family members." I shake my head and look up into the officers cold eyes. There was something chillingly familiar about him. "I remember your face. You're one of them, aren't you? You're one of the men who slept with my mother, and me, so she could buy her drugs and you could have a little fun, aren't you? No wonder you don't seem to care about me or my family." I glance down at his hand, and notice his ring. I shudder at the memory of that night. Lindsey had forced me to sleep with this man to make a quick bit of money for herself. "Oh so you're married."
"What? I would never do something like that, I have never once payed for a prostitute of any sort. And yes, I am happily married with 3 beautiful little girls."
"Now how would you feel if one of your little girls was raped and then had to fight for her rights and her sisters, while being questioned by the man who raped her? You are nothing but a liar, and I will not speak another word to anyone on this matter until you are gone and somebody new has taken your place." I look up at his face, his jaw was tense as he stood and turned toward the door. "People like you make me sick," I scream at his back, just as he leaves the room.
It's been 2 weeks since I've been allowed to see Allan and Rebecca. I break down into sobs that wrack my entire body. A woman comes into the room and offers me some water before leaving me alone again. I pick up the glass and take a couple drinks before slamming it on the table and burying my head in my arms.
I am Jessamine Taylors, I have a job at a pet store, a little sister named Rebecca, and a friend named Allan. I have saved 2 lives in the past 6 years, and have made it through many things in my life. I can make it through anything life throws at me. I killed my mother, but saved my sister's life, and my own. Along with saving families being torn apart by her anymore. I am not a horrible person, nor will I ever be one. I made enough money to pay for my sister to go to school and be in band like she wanted. I am a good person. I am a good person. I am.
I am broken from my thoughts by the door swinging open and a new officer stepping through. I had stopped crying and calmed myself down. I wipe my face, determined to get the dried tears off my cheeks. Nobody else will see me cry anymore.
"Jessamine, I'm Officer Yula, could you please tell me anything that you hadn't told the officer who was in here before?"
"Y-yes, I just couldn't be in the same room as him anymore. Not after what he did to me."
She nods and looks at me with a sort of compassion I had never seen before. I tell her about all of my jobs I have ever worked, even the clubs, which she seemed surprised to hear about. I also explained about how I basically raised Rebecca while Lindsey was out drunk, trying to get into some new guys pants. I also explained the time she started trying to hurt Becca and I, which made us run away.

My Life: Congrats, You Lost Me
Teen FictionGood days and bad days, we all have them, right? Well I suppose, but I hope your bad days never end up like mine. Find out why by reading on. **Trigger Warnings** Multiple chapters, just a heads up. Some things come up sometimes. **Currently Under...