Our Day Off. Pt. 2/2

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After a few hours of not being able to go back to sleep, Kyle starts to wake up. I was on my phone and I realized it was almost 10:00 am already so I didn't try to pretend I was sleeping.

"Good morning love birds!" Jordan was snapchatting this time. 'Goddammit Jordan shut the hell up' "Oh babe! Good morning!" I say, rolling over to hug Kyle, obviously for the sake of snapchat. Also for the sake of me tbh. "Good morning babe!" Kyle said in a sleepy voice. He then kissed my shoulder and smiled at Jordan. Jordan then ran away yelling "KOHNNIE!" and Kyle laughed at him. Kyle's laugh is the cutest thing. I couldn't help but smile when I heard him laugh.

When we finally got out of bed, I went straight for the mirror. I had to do my hair and brush my teeth etc. Kyle went to get a drink then just got back in our bunk. "Johnnie, it's our day off you don't have to do your hair today." Bryan informed me. "Okay, do you see this? It's parted in the middle, Bryan. Shut up." I said sarcastically. Kyle poked his head out of the bunk. "It looks cute. It reminds me of fetus Johnnie!" "Kyle, no, hush." I pointed at Kyle, smiling at him. His hair was messy but it looked okay On him. He smiled back then popped his head back into the bunk. I just continued to stare at the bunk curtain smiling. I really, really like Kyle. I'm pretty sure it's damaging my brain at this point.

"Hey guys, wanna go get food?" Bryan asked aloud, snapping me out of my trance. "Hellz yeah, dawg!" Kyle was the fist to answer as he stumbled out of the bunk and almost fell. "Yeah, I'm starving." I said, laughing at Kyle. "Chipotle?" Bryan asked. "Obviously.." Damon said, just crawling out of his bunk. I'm seriously questioning how he slept through all of what happened his morning..

Once we all got dressed and got to Chipotle, we had to stand in the line for like ten minutes. I got a vegetarian burrito bowl with pretty much everything on it except meat, Bryan, Damon, and Jordan got a burrito bowl with everything and chicken. The burritos here are huge and I don't see how anyone can finish them.. I can't even finish the bowl..

We stopped at a dollar store on the way back to the bus to get groceries and necessities. Jordan ended up getting some putty stuff because he's such a child. Damon, Kyle and I ended up getting some too...

When we got to the bus, the first thing we did was get the putty and start playing with it. Bryan thought it was a snapchat worthy moment of corse and snapchatted mostly me and Kyle because, ya know, Kohnnie. "Johnnie, jump rope with it!" Kyle said. Bryan started taking a video. "Hi guys! I'm Johnnie and I'm gonna show you how to jump rope!" I yelled in that voice crack of mine. Then I put my head in the middle of Kyle's hands and the putty broke and fell all over me so I screamed.. also in the voice crack.

"Johnnie, are you ready to get leid by Kyle?" Jordan was recording us. "Oh yeah, Daddy!" Again, voice crack. Kyle started to climb on top of me and put his lei around my neck and everyone is just like "ooOOOooooo!!" I started blushing. Probably because Kyle just climbed on top of me and everyone was 'ooOOOooo' ing. I covered my face to hide it.

I ended up throwing my putty at Kyle. It hit him in the face. "Oww!" He said laughing. He threw it back and it missed me so I ran past him and hid in our bunk. "Johnnie, get back here!" Kyle yelled through a smile. He picked up the putty and walked over to the bunk. I yanked my face back into the bunk before he threw it. I heard him grunt but I didn't see anything hit the curtain.

I peek outside and the putty's on the ground. "Shoot, it stuck to my hand!" Kyle was smiling as he picked it back up. He was about to throw it but instead grabbed my arm and pulled me out of the bunk. I landed in his arms and he carried me to the couch and got on top of me. Needless to say everyone was snapchatting by now. Kyle took his putty and smeared it on my face. When I tried to push him off of me, he grabbed my arms and restrained them above my head and continued rubbing it in my face.

"Wait, Kyle, what?" Bryan asked. Both him and Jordan were snapchatting this. "Okay, I said, if we get 1,000,000 subscribers by 2016 January first, Johnnie and I will kiss. And not just once either." Kyle said, laying against me, petting me. "Oh god.." I mumbled loud enough to hear.

But anyways, we were playing with the putty pretty much the rest of the night until we decided to actually sleep which was around 2am.

*** A/N: I wasn't really sure what to do with this chapter and it ended up sounding really dirty at the end. I don't apologize xD. But after the putty being rubbed in the face, that actually happened last night on snapchat. I screamed tbh.***

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