Were Dating!

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"Don't you think we should tell everyone about us?" I asked. "No, baby. I want to wait until we get 1,000,000 subs so we can make people even happier." Kyle smiled at me. "Yeah, I guess you have a point." I said with a small laugh. Kyle then pulled me into a hug for a few moments and rested his head on mine. "I know I have a point, babe." I felt his jaw move and he bit his lip.

I broke the hug after a while and looked up at him, having the urge to kiss him. I'm guessing he had the same problem because just then, he held my chin up with his index finger and looked back at me and bit his lip again. I stood on my tiptoes and went straight for his face. We kissed for a few seconds and broke right before Bryan came back.

"So guys, do you want to film a video now or later?" Bryan asked. He had a bag full of stuff for the video because we normally don't buy toys and masks and shit. "Yeah, sure." I said, still holding onto Kyle. "Yeah, dude!" Kyle said. "What's in the bag?" Bryan looked to the bag, then to Kyle, "Oh, is just stuff I got at Walgreens. You know, props and stuff." Bryan said, sitting the bad on the kitchen counter.

After we finished filming the video, we all started promoting it on Twitter and snapchat and telling people to watch it which eventually led to us being idiots and recording each other. We obviously had to yell 'Fuck me daddy' too loud and have some guy knock on our door and complain.

After a while, we decided to go on YouNow. Everyone on the broadcast were saying things like "OMG KOHNNIE" and, "Bryan is a chicken nugget". Like hell if I know why, but it happened. We ended up reaching 926,071 subscribers by the end of the broadcast so we told everyone to go subscribe to us and maybe we'd reach 1,000,000 soon. Once we hit 1,000,000 were going to make the video right then or the next day. I honestly can't wait until the we reach the goal because I'm waiting for the MDE family to freak out. It should be great.

"Yo, Johnnie." Kyle said looking at me, leaning in close to my ear. "Do you want to surprise them?" I turned red and agreed. Kyle told Bryan and Bryan had to announce it. "Okay, no one can take a screenshot in the next minute but we're probably gonna make you guys really happy."

Everyone in the chat was guessing what was about to happen. They all guessed it exactly right and it made me feel less nervous because I know a lot of people ship up but a lot of people also don't, so I was a little hesitant. "So, do you guys have something to say?" Bryan asked. Kyle cleared his throat so I thought he was going to say it "I have something to tell you guys." Kyle paused and cleared his throat again. "Johnnie and I are... D... inosaurs." Kyle laughed and looked at me. I was red because I thought he was actually going to say it. "Oh my god, Kyle," Bryan exaggerated "Can I just say it?" Bryan said, really loud. "I don't kno-" I was interrupted by Kyle. "We're dating! Okay? Your ship dreams finally came true!" Kyle exclaimed.

The chat and our Twitter notifications blew the fuck up and everyone was 'crying' and 'screaming'. They were also chanting "KISS KISS KISS" in the chat. So we did. That was probably the worst idea at the moment. The chat froze and almost crashed YouNow. "Guys, stop commenting, you broke YouNow!" Bryan said, while laughing. Kyle and I laughed with him and the chat finally unfroze. "Are you guys okay?" I asked. They all said things like, "NO." And, "OMG IM STILL CRYING!!!!" And, "MY MOM IS QUESTIONING MY SANITY RN." Our fam is strange but we love it.

****WOOWWWEEYYYY, THIS TOOK WAY TOO LONG TO UPDATE AND IM SO SORRY. But like, I've had homework for two weeks straight by now and this literally sucks. Anyways, I wrote this in about an hour (so, sorry if it sucks) and I'm supposed to be in bed right now but no, I love you guys too much. I hope you liked it to some extent. ☺️💕****

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