The call.

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Kyle held my hand while he was calling his mom. "Hey Mom?... Yeah, hey! Um, I have to tell you something." He put the call on speaker. "What is it, honey?" I heard his mom say. She sounded worried actually. "Umm, I'm not really sure how to say this exactly but," Kyle hesitated for a few seconds. "I, uhh, wow this is hard. Mom, I'm gay." Kyle buried his head into my chest. "Oh, baby, you should know I'm okay with that." I heard her giggling on the other line. "Oh, wow, mom. I've hidden this for so many years because I was afraid of what you'd say." Kyle's voice trembled and his eyes started to tear up. "Oh, Kyle.." His mom sounded heart broken.

"Kye, are you okay?" I asked as I ran my fingers through his hair. "Yeah, it's just, when I first moved here, I told my first friend here that I was gay. I thought I could trust her, but she ended up telling everyone in school and they started calling me names.. Mean names. So, for the longest time, I thought it was a horrible thing to be gay but then you come along and convinced me to tell my mom and it ended up lifting the weight of the world off my shoulders." Kyle was straight up crying at this point and I was starting to tear up. "Kyle, baby, I didn't know about any of this.. And I don't like seeing you like this. I love you so much." I said as a wiped away his tears.

"Kyle, I had no idea. Why didn't you tell me about this sooner? And another question, is that your boyfriend in the background? Because I heard 'baby' and 'I love you'." Kyle and I both started laughing. "Yes Mom, it is. We wanted to come see you this week actually because we're only half an hour away from the house." Kyle said, smiling. I haven't seen him smile like that in a long time. "Oh my goodness, Kyle, yes! Please come over! I miss you so much and I can't wait to meet your boyfriend!" His mom sounded so exited and Kyle was smiling bigger now with dried tears on his cheeks. It made me happy.

"His name is Johnnie by the way, Mom. But I'll see you tomorrow, okay?" Kyle said excitedly. "Okay, sweety, I'll see you then. I love you! Bye!" "Bye, Mom, I love you too." Kyle said as he hung up the phone. "Well that went better than expected." I said, smiling at him. He just smiled back and started crying into my shoulder. "Hey, it's okay, Kye." I ran my fingers through his hair until Bryan and everyone else got back to the bus.

"What's going on here?" Bryan asked, opening the door and seeing Kyle crying and me holding him. "It's nothing, Bryan. Just something my mom said." Kyle said, raising his head and wiping his red eyes. "What happened? Oh my god I've literally never seen you cry. Are you okay?" Bryan asked again. He actually sounded concerned which took me by surprise. "Yeah I'm fine. But Johnnie and I are going to see her tomorrow. I mean, it's our day off so I thought we could go see my mom. Do you mind if we take your car?" Kyle asked, laughing at the last part.

"Umm," Bryan took a few seconds to think. "I guess." He finally said. "Thank you Bryan. Well it's already close to 3:30 so we might as well go to the meetup, I mean, it starts at 4:00 and that'll give us more time to meet fans." Kyle said smiling. "Yeah, sure. Well let's go." Bryan said walking back out the door. We all followed him to the meet up and met all the fans this time. Kyle and I also held hands half the time so today was pretty much perfect.

****A/N: Hey guys, I have band camp the rest of this week and next week so I might have to update every other day. And if it takes longer just stay patient. I love you guys and I hope you home slices like the the story so far!****

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