Shut The Fuck Up.

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This is set like, a week after warped and Kyle won't be 18 until June 21 of next year so this chapter's kind of a lie xD. 😏

Post warped, Kyle decided to live with us since he's 18 now. He turned 18 during warped and that was actually when we told everyone we were together and it came to no surprise to anyone, and I'm pretty sure it's because they heard us kissing sometimes in our bunk throughout warped but didn't say anything.

We're all at our (Bryan's) apartment and Kyle and I are cuddling on the couch, playing a game on the Xbox. It's also like, 3AM and Bryan is asleep and yes, we've been trying to wake him up but no, it hasn't been working. So we decide to scream and bang on his door.

After about a minute and a half of doing that, we finally hear him get up so we run back to the couch and continue the video game. "What the fuck are you guys doing.." Bryan sounded really irritated. "Dude, we're just playing video games." Kyle said, struggling to crawl over me. "Well, what the hell was screaming and banging on my door, huh?" Bryan started using a lot of hand motions. "There was literally nothing doing anything.. I think you're dreaming, Bryan." I told him with a smirk on my face.

"Fuck you guys." Bryan said, walking back to his room. "We will.." Kyle added and we both started laughing. "Oh god, no, just... Don't fuck on my couch, I'm going to bed." Bryan laughed lightly and continued to his room. "No promises." Kyle said under his breath. Kyle was wrapped around me basically hugging my head so I looked up and kissed him. "I love you." I said, looking into his eyes. "I love you too, Johnnie." Kyle smiled, kissing me again.

"I thought I said no fucking." Bryan intruded. "How long have you been standing there?" I asked. "I literally just got here, I came to get water." Bryan sounded irritated again. "You're so gwumpy bwyan what's wong?" Kyle asked in his childish voice. "Shut the fuck up guys. I've gotten no sleep since warped started and oh my god." Bryan yelled and proceeded to get his water then go to his room.

"He seems really mad now, we should probably stop, I don't want to upset him." Kyle whispered as he laid his head on my lap. Kyle eventually fell asleep on me while I was playing the Xbox.

"Hey, I'll walk you to bed, come on." I ran my fingers through his hair on the back of his head trying to wake him up a little. "What.." Kyle groaned. "Let's go to bed." I said as I tried to hold his head up so I could get up. His head fell back on the couch and he curled up in a ball. "I don't wanna." He covered his head under a pillow. I grabbed him and pulled him into my arms. I stood up and walked him to the bed and he immediately crawled under the messy covers.

I walk back to the living room area to turn off the tv and game console and to get some water. I couldn't sleep at the moment so I turned on the lights, grabbed my guitar and started playing it softly so I wouldn't wake everyone up.

Eventually, I started writing down lyrics and such until I was tired and decided to go to bed. I went to go lay down with Kyle and he was up on his phone. "Hey, Johnnie." Kyle said in a low, tired voice. "Hey, why are you up? I just put you in bed like, 2 hours ago." I said, as I crawled into bed next to him. "I don't know, I just can't sleep, ya feel?" He said, looking up from his phone and at me.

"I just wasn't tired earlier so that's why I went back to the couch," I kissed his forehead. "I ended up writing some lyrics down, too." I said, lying down beside him. "You should let me hear what you have so far, in the morning." Kyle said, putting his phone on the night stand beside him. "Uhh, sure thing." I bit my lip when I said that because the song was for Kyle but it wasn't finished yet and tbh, I would sound even more cliché if I don't get past the first chorus. "Well goodnight, Kyle. I love you." I said in a tired voice. "I love you too, Johnnie." Kyle whispered to me before kissing me and pulling me close to him. We fell asleep and stayed like that for the night.

**** I'm way too lazy to write a good chapter right now and I'm under so much stress it's not even funny. But anyways, this chapter sucks, but I still hope you at least kinda liked it! :D****

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