Chapter 2

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Beep. Beep. Beep.

"Honey, please wake up-"


"-will I make fun of with-


Confusion coursed through me. I was awake. What did you mean please wake up? I wanna sleep in.

"-make me pancakes?"

Fine. I'll get up. I tried to force my eyes open. They flickered open but I closed them quickly. My head is pounding.

I forced them open again. I looked over and saw my mom and Grant who both looked at me in shock.

I looked around and realized that I was in a hospital.

Realization dawned on me.


Oh God. I looked up to say sorry to Grant.

"I'm sorr-" I paused. Nothing came out. I grasped at my throat and kept trying to talk. I started breathing heavily.

Faintly I could hear my mom trying to calm me down. I curled up in a ball.

Anxiety attack.


"It'll be ok sweetie."


"Yeah, sis, it'll be ok. I will protect you."


"We can figure this out, Miss Priss."


"We have Brandon in custody. We don't need Dad's help." Grant reassured.

My breath hitched. What do they mean 'we don't need Dad's help'?

I looked over at them confused, finally realizing that my dad wasn't there.

Where's dad, I mouthed.

My mom looked mournfully at me.

"While you were out, the doctor told us that you would be mute from now on. Your father told me that it was him or you. He didn't want a mute daughter. He almost took Grant with him, but your brother refused to go." Mom explained.

I glanced at Grant meaningfully. He gave me a small smileys return.

I looked around the room expecting to see 'Get well soon' cards, balloons, or even a stuffed animal. There was none.

Where are my friends?

Do they even miss me?

I looked up at my mom giving her a phone motion. She looked confused before giving an understanding look.

She handed me my phone.

You have '0' messages.

My heart dropped. Not even Jess messaged me?

"Do you want me to get you something from Whataburger?" Mom asked. I looked over at her and weakly nodded. I motioned for Grant to go with her. He looked uneasy but went with her.

I curled up in a ball and cried my eyes out. So many questions running through my mind.

Eventually, I cried myself to sleep. I dreamt of times when I could speak.
"You should be able to check her out now." Dr. Parker said. My mom nodded slowly. When the doctor left the room, she turned to me.

"You know how my bakery is in a different town?" She asked. I nodded my head, not knowing where this was going.

"We are moving to that town. Your father kicked us out." I stared in shock and Grant tried to keep from crying. I opened my arms and Grant ran into them and broke down.

We cried for several minutes together, until my mom spoke up.

"I'm going to give y'all a day to say goodbye to you friends," she spoke quietly.

Grant nodded. He told me about what happened after I blacked out while I got checked out.

To be honest, it was shocking how strong an 8-year old boy could be.

We trudged to my moms car. Something dawned on me. I tapped my mothers shoulder and motioned to the car then pointed at myself.

Grant stopped, and looked at me sadly.

"Dad sold it." I almost dropped then and there. Why did Brandon do this to me?! What lesson am I supposed to learn God?! No, I can't blame God. He gave people free will. It isn't His fault.

I looked in my lap when we got in the car. The car started and we drove to the school. Since it was still morning, we would have most of the day with our friends.

Mom stopped and Grant kept out of the car. I watched him go as we drive away. Here goes nothing. The car stopped again and I hopped out.

Immediately, I felt all eyes on me. I shifted uncomfortably and strode inside, my eyes searching for Jess.

My eyes landed on her standing in the corner, talking to Heather.

I walked up to her and tapped her shoulder.

Instead of doing the normal best friend thing and hugging me, she flinched in disgust and took a step back. Heather rolled her eyes and the boys looked me up and own with disgust.

I tried to say something before realizing that I couldn't speak.

I whipped out my phone and group texted them.

'What's wrong? I'm still me, just with no voice. It's not my fault. Brandon was going to hurt Grant. I couldn't let that happen.'

They all looked up at me and sighed.

"Sorry Case, we just can't be besties anymore. What would people say when they see us with the mute freak?" Jess explained. I stared in shock and my eyes filled with tears.

"Oh look. The mute girl is crying." Heather jeered. Everybody laughed. I turned away and ran out the doors. I texted my mom to pick me up ASAP.

They were my friends. My heart clenched and I screamed a soundless scream. I buried my head in my knees.

Why? I mouthed over and over again.

My mom soon got there and she went to pick up Grant. Grant came out of the school with a busted lip and Mom gasped.

"Grant, baby, what happened?" He glanced at me and replied.

"They were making fun of Casey and that's when I realized that they were no friends of mine." I gasped and ran over to give him a hug. I started crying all over again.

My brother was too good for this cruel world.
Soooo, what did you think?

I know, I know. 2 UPDATES IN ONE DAY?!

It's an early Christmas miracle.

Praise Jesus.

I'm not posting again tomorrow probably because I am getting Lokitty and working on summer reading.

Yay for Lokitty.

Bleh for summer reading.

Grant is the picture above.



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