Chapter 7

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Mozzarella sticks.


I honestly need a life.

Currently I am sitting in my bed refusing to go to sleep. It's 3 a.m.

I know, who is up at that time of night? This chick. Nightmares haunt my dreams and I'm not up for that.

You know what sounds good?


Me: Can y'all being me grapes? I'm really craving them.

James: 🍇

Me: Green grapes!

Saylor: I already had some.

But I want some!


Me: I'll just eat strawberries.

James: Ok.

Saylor: Lucky.

Haley: I'm eating BBQ with pickles...and watching pewdiepie.


I threw my phone on the bed and shook my head. Only my friends would be up at 3 a.m. and eating.

They are the best. This may sound really random but I want to take a bath.

I ran to the bathroom and started the bath. I grabbed my body wash and looked at it.


How could I not realize this?

My body wash is Tahiti Island Dream.

Tahiti - T.A.H.I.T.I.

Island - "Island"

Dream - Death

I've gotta tell the others!

Me: Fellow Hydra agents! Is everyone here?

Haley: At 4 in the morning? Doubtful.

Saylor: Here!

James: Here!

Chase: Here!

Jake: Here!

Lucy: New Hydra agent reporting for duty!

James: She is clear! I made sure myself.

Haley: I bet!

Saylor: 😂😂

Me: Guys! Focus!

Chase: My, my! Who is demanding at this time in the morning.

Jake: For real...

Me: Y'all suck. Anyway...My body wash is called Tahiti Island Dream...

Chase: Does Coulson live at your house?

James: Of course not...

Lucy: He lives in the body wash.

Haley and Saylor: Duh.

Me: I'm leaving now.

I emptied out the unused bath because I didn't feel like taking a bath anymore. It happens.

I crawled in bed and fell asleep reluctantly.
Why is there water spraying in my face again?

I opened my eyes and saw Lucy sitting on the floor, Haley pacing, and Saylor spraying me with the water bottle.

I'm going to throw that bottle away.


I sat up and threw a book at Saylor. Let's just say that I don't sport. It ended up hitting Lucy.

She looked at me stunned then gathered herself and sat on top of me.

I pushed her off.

I looked at them and gestured my room and pointed at them.

"Oh!" Haley yelled! Saylor nodded like she remembered something and Lucy blushed.

"James got the guts to ask Lucy out and you have cute are going shopping in your closet." Saylor explained like it was completely normal. Haley just nodded and drug Lucy in the closet.

I just looked at them like the weirdos that they were and got up to get my own clothes on. I threw on a plaid shirt and some shorts and put my hair in a bun. I put on my glasses because the

I'm kind of lazy. I watched as they  searched my closet for something acceptable.

Where is he taking you? I wrote and showed them.

They all shrugged.

"He won't tell me." Lucy said. I can see why he likes her. She looks like a legit angel. Just sayin'.

Finally they approved of an outfit and she put it on.

I smiled and clapped my hands. She looked so good! It's a good thing she is my size.

The doorbell rang. It's time!

We all got in our positions for when one of us hose on a date. Not like that happens, but you know.

Saylor and Haley ran down the stairs and I sat on Lucy. She can't go with him until we interrogate him. Best friend or not.

Lucy squirmed and put a sock in her mouth. Don't worry. It was a clean one. I'm not savage. She glared at me and I smiled. Crap happens man.

I  heard James, Haley, and Saylor downstairs.

Let the games begin.
I updated...

It's my friends fault. I have to update again today otherwise I have to do 3 tomorrow.

Meanies Jason4183 nichole112900 taylorshaw21

Jason and Nichole have books too btw!

Highly recommended my the best critics that are totally not me or Taylor...yeah...

Good friends, right. My body wash really does say that.

It freaked me out. I also based the grape conversation on a real conversation.


I had ice cream tonight! It was good.

I also have marching band practice all week.

It sucks when it's 90 degrees outside.

That awkward moment when you marry your companions daughter and she becomes your mother in law.

Whovian alert!



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