Chapter 25

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I don't understand. I thought that he LOVED me. I could see it in his eyes. Why would he want to hurt me, or worse, kill me? I shook my head and tried to clear my thoughts. I have to call 911. I heard Drew try to approach me.

"Stop." I rasped. My head started pounding. I'm assuming that every time I talk, it's going to feel like that night all over again. Great.

"Case, please stop talking. You're going to hurt yourself." Drew pleaded. I shot him a glare and pulled out my phone. I tried to dial the numbers but someone took it out of my hands.

"I can't...I can't let you call 911." Drew muttered. I stared at him with disgust.

"Why not?" I winced as the words came out of my mouth.


"Because he's my twin brother of course!" Brandon came from behind the tree. Of course I dated the evil twins. I knew a guy liking me was too good to be true. I just need to know why he lied to me. I turned towards Drew.


"Casey PLEASE stop talking." He pleaded again. I glared at him and he sighed,"I did love you and I didn't believe my brother when he said that you were a heartbreaker; that you didn't care about anybody else. For a while, I thought that we were good together, then I saw how you and Derek acted together and I knew my brother was right." Drew had a murderous look in his eyes. I stumbled back a few steps.

"He's like a brother to me."I really need to stop talking. My head is killing me. Drew rolled his eyes and Brandon smirked.

"Oh shut up Casey Wasey." Brandon cooed. "Drew, can you cover her mouth or something? Her wincing is annoying me." I backed away as Drew came at me with a semi-apologetic look. When he was about to get to me, a voice came from the forest.

"Hey! Don't touch her! I'll fight you!" Derek yelled. "Just give me a few minutes to catch my breath." He hunched over with his hands on his knees then stood back up. He shoved past Brandon and pushed himself in between me and Drew.

"Where's Haley?" He whispered in my ear. I painted over my shoulder towards the bottom of the stairs. He winced. "That's why she sounded so pained on the phone." Haley called Derek?

She's freaking awesome.

"What about 911?" I rasped. He looked taken back when he saw I could speak. Then he looked concerned.

"Does it hurt for you to talk?" He asked. I shoved his shoulder. "Don't worry about 911."

"Um.. Are y'all done yet?" Brandon interrupted. I forgot about them.

Good going case. You forgot about the freaking psychos standing in front of you.

"Derek, just go. You're a nice guy but don't get yourself hurt. All Brandon cares about is Casey." Drew tried to reason. Derek gave him a "did you really just say that?" look.

" thanks."

"Dude, it's 2 against 1, unless Casey can beat me up, but that didn't work so well last time." Brandon smirked. Derek clenched and unclenched his fists but smiled.

"Oh, I don't think that's it's just 2 against 1." He glanced at the woods. "Ok Chance, you can send your people out now." Derek hollered out. Within seconds, several cops came out of the woods, including Chance. Another paramedic was with them. The paramedic ran up to me and asked if I was the one that was hurt. I shook my head and pointed towards Haley at the bottom of the stairs. Haley smiled and gave me a thumbs up.

Drew and Brandon put their hands up. Chance stomped over and cuffed Drew personally. I covered my smile as he was mumbling something about how he knew Drew was bad from the beginning.

A few minutes later, Haley came to the top of the stairs and shook her head.

"Man Case, I always have to save the day, and apparently break my arm every 4 years." She grumbled. I shook my head as she glared at her arm.

"Haley," I whispered,"Stop breaking your arm." She stared at me sternly.

"Stop talking. I can tell it hurts."

I smiled at her and she shook her head and walked over to Chance and gave him a high five. Those two definitely have a secret organization or something. (A/N: *cough* Hydra *cough*)I was about to turn around and talk to Derek when I heard a voice call out.

"Casey!" Grant yelled as he ran down the hill. Brett was on his tail. I'm guessing they were together when they found out I was here. I hugged Grant and Brett turned his head and saw Drew cuffed. I tried to stop him from going over there but he did anyway.

"Hey! Mister! You tried to hurt my future wife!" Brett yell accusingly. Drew looked confused. Grant sighed and walked over to him.

"Dude, we talked about this. You marrying Casey would be freaky." Grant stated. Brett nodded and skipped over to me and gave me a hug. I patted his head and he smiles cheekily at me. This kid is going to be a lady's man.

The next person to wrap me in a hug was my mother.

"I knew I should've let Chance beat Drew up on y'alls first date." What? I looked at her weirdly and she waved her hand,"Long story." A man interrupted our not so mother-daughter moment when he cleared his throat.

"Um...Miss Williams, I need you to tell me exactly what happened." He said. Mom gave him an "are you stupid look?" and I smiled at him. Suddenly the cop started blushing. Poor kid was probably fresh out of the academy.

"I'm mute, well, sort of. I can talk but as I'm saying this, I am in unbearable pain because of an incident that happened a few months ago. Could I write it down for you later?" I whispered in pain.

"Yes ma'am."

"You're in pain?" Mom asked accusingly. I nodded shyly. She sighed and grabbed Grant and Brett. "Come on you two, let's take Casey and Haley to the hospital so no one has to pay a stupid ambulance bill." The boys protested but went along anyway.

"What color cast should I get?" Haley asked. I opened my mouth but she shushed me. "I'm going to get all grey with a Captain America shield; like Bucky's arm with a shield on it." She declared. I don't think they make casts like that. I won't tell her. She looks too happy about it.

"Casey! We are now going to be hospital buddies!" Haley yelled in triumph.

Hey Kae's Baes!

This is sort of a filler chapter. Sorry it's shorter


So, as I edit this, I am sitting in 70s clothes. Don't ask. Anyway, I was editing this and I decided to check my email.

Something amazing happened.

marvelobsessed followed me.

Don't mind me. I'm just freaking out because I love her books 😍📔

All right, I'm good.

Question of the Chapter:

Blue Bell or Ben & Jerry's?



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