Chapter 24

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I had a nightmare.

I haven't had a nightmare since I became friends with Derek. I shook my head and went to get cold water to splash on my face. I took deep breaths. The nightmare was like the rest of them except Drew was there instead of Brandon. It was just a dream. Haley threw the door open to my room and looked at my face concerned.

"Are you sure you still want to go ice skating?" Haley asked. I nodded my head. I just had to find the right outfit. Come on man! I have a walk in closet and I still cannot decide what I want to wear. Haley groaned and shoved me to the side.

She started throwing random articles of clothing out of the closet. I dodged every piece of clothing that came my way...except for the shoes. I really need to get lighter shoes. Soon, Haley appeared with an outfit on her arms. She gave me a questioning look and I nodded excitedly.

"I should be your personal outfit designer!" Haely paused and shook her head."On second thought, that sounds like a lot of work." She wrinkled her nose. I rolled my eyes at her walked into the bathroom to change. The outfit Haley picked out was cute and perfect for this weather.

It consisted of blue ripped skinny jeans and a sweater that said 'West Coast 1973'. I hurriedly put on the clothes because for some odd reason, my room was freezing. Maybe Ill talk to mom about turning up the heat later. Haley looked up from her phone when I came out of the bathroom. She gave me a thumbs up before going back to texting someone. I went back to getting ready when the doorbell rang. I looked at Haley and she shook her head.

"No way! This is NOT my house. You go get the door." I gave her a sad look and pointed to my sockless feet. She looked at me hesitantly for a second before shaking her head firmly. "Go put on socks if the floor is so cold." We stared at each other daring the other to blink when a knock came at the door. I looked up and saw Derek standing at the doorway.

"HA! You blinked first!" Haley did a happy dance around the room before running down the stairs yelling about hot chocolate being more important than Derek. Derek chuckled and flopped down on my bed. How dare he barge in my room and lay on my bed! He didn't even bring me food.

"Hey Case. I need to tell you something." I ignored him. He interrupted my staring competition. He sighed and threw a pair of socks at me. I smiled graciously at him and motioned for him to continue.

"I don't want you to date Drew." Derek blurted out. My jaw dropped in shock. First Chance and now Derek? What is so wrong with Drew? I glared at him and crossed my arms. "Hear me out. You wanted to know why I got into a fight that day? It was because Drew started to talk bad about you. He got the whole team involved." Derek explained. Now he is making up lies. I put on my gloves and boots and started marching down the stairs. I heard Derek following behind me.

"Casey! Stop." I spun around and looked at him. "Drew said that he has changed but I have a bad feeling in my stomach about you going out today. Please don't go." I'm not even going out with Drew today! I shook my head firmly. I want to go ice skating.

"Fine. Just be careful, alright?" Derek left the house. Haley walked up to me and handed me a hot chocolate.

"What was that about?" She asked. I shrugged my head. She rolled her eyes and muttered something about boys being stupid. I smiled as she started walking back ustairs to grab her phone so that we could leave. I walked over to the couch and started petting Ralph while I was waiting for her to come back down. While I was petting him, he started growling at the front door.



Why is today visit Casey day? I reluctantly walked to the front door but Haley sprinted down the stairs to answer the door. I laughed as she almost tripped and fell on her face. Haley glared then put on a sweet smile as she answered the door. Drew walked in without saying anything and sat across from me.

"Yes, please come in!" Haley said sarcastically as she shut the door. "We are about to leave for ice skating. Could you make this quick?" She all but growled at him. He looked taken back by her tone of voice. He glared at her and turned back to me.

"Why are you hanging out with your friends more than me? That is not how this relationship I supposed to work." I gasped at him and he looked at me with eyes full of fury. Ralph barked at him and moped. I rubbed his head and he laid back down while never taking his eyes off of Drew.

"HOW DARE YOU SAY THAT TO AGENT CASEY!" Haley yelled. At this point, I was thanking God that Grant was visiting the police station with Chance. I think Brett may be there too. Drew stood up next to Haley. He towered over her. I stood in between them and gave Haley a look of gratitude.

"I will wait in the car." Haley mumbled.

Drew, I don't know why you are so upset! What is wrong? Are you ok? I wrote on a piece of paper. I handed him the paper. He read it then took a deep breath and crumbled it up.

"My problem is that everyone we know likes Derek more than me." So thats why he's so upset! I wrapped him in a hug and looked him in the eyes. He nodded and pushed me towards the door so that I could go ice skating with Haley. I waved bye and skipped out the door.

Haley looked at me as I got in the car and raised her eyebrows. I waved off her questioning and gestured for her to start driving. She shrugged and started talking about how she watched a tv show that had a cute guy in it. When we got to a forest, she stopped the car.

"Are you ready to fall on your butt Agent?" Haley asked seriously. I laughed and nodded.

"All we have to do is go down those stairs and then we will be at the pond. Don't worry I know the way perfectly." I gave a breath of disbelief and she wrinkled her nose at me. "Watch this! I can lead the way backwards." She turned around and gasped. "Casey! Move!" She pushed me on the ground and looked up at her confused.

Then someone pushed her. A push that was intended for me. I watched as my friend lost her balance and fell down the stone stairs.


I grabbed my throat. I just talked. I shook my head to get more focused on the situation. I looked at Haley who was at the bottom of the steps grasping her arm. Who could have done this? I looked over at the person who pushed her down and gasped.


Hey Kae's Baes!

Dang it Drew😰

I feel like this chapter isn't good but it's necessary for the book. It's more of a filler chapter honestly. I promise I'll make the next one better.

I went to a TobyMac concert last night. I have a new obsession with Colton Dixon. His hair is AMAZING!

I added a music video of his at the top. Also, thank you SOOOOO MUCH FOR 7k!!

I joined a new Amino. It's called Comic Amino. I'm also on Supernatural, Sherlock, and Whovian Amino. You should check it out.

Random question of the chapter:

What is your most favoritist (new word!) object in your room?



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