Chapter 16

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I peeled my eyes open at the sound of my mother cooking breakfast. You know how when you cry then go to sleep, your eyes are really dry?

No? Just me? Liar.

Mr. Fizzles can sense when you are being a LIIIIIIAAAAAR!

Sorry, supernatural geek out moment.

That's what I was feeling right this very instant. Wasn't there supposed to be school today?


No school. It's not like I even go to the fair anyway, so it's like a free day for me.

I sluggishly got out of bed and felt the temperature outside.

Holy crap!

60 degrees? That's cold. Yes, I know that's the perfect temperature for most people, but I live in freaking Texas.

(A/N: We had band this morning and it was 57 degrees. Over half of us were in sweats)

October is the lucky month I guess.

I walked over to my closet to grab a sweater and skinny jeans with my combat boots. I'm going to go out and be productive today!


I fully prepared to climb back in bed and sleep before my door was slammed open.

This is it. I'm going to be murdered. I just wish I could say bye to my cookies one last time.

"LETS DO SOMETHING!" Saylor and Haley yelled. Oh no, this is much worse. I stared at them and watched Lucy come cackling into the room.

She sounded like freaking Maleficent.

I started looking at all the exits while calculating how to get out. I could climb out the window but knowing my luck, I'd probably die.

The door may be a way out but then Haley would sit on me if she caught me.

"Stop being Sherlock and accept your fate, Case." Lucy said in a bored tone. Maybe I can get rid of them.

I whipped out my phone and started texting. They just stared at me with confusion.

C: Take Lucy out on a date.

J: Why? I've got homework.

C: Liar. Take her to the fair or I'll lock you in a school with a phone and no charger.

J: Harsh much? Fine. One condition.

C: ...what?

J: You have to say Thor is better than Loki.

C: Your condition is STUPID!

J: Your choice.

C: Fine...Thor is better than Loki. Now take her on a date.

J: I was going to anyway! BYE!


I looked up innocently at the three girls who were glaring at me now.

Girls are mean.

I shrugged my shoulders and they all rolled their eyes at the same time. I swear that they practice just for me.

"Anyway-" Lucy started before her phone went off. She groaned and answered.

She mumbled a little but before yelling.

"But, of course! See you in 5. I've got a date guys! Sorry. Bye." Lucy sprinted out of the room and I smirked.

"You want to play that way?" Saylor said.

"I think she does." Haley responded.

Oh no.

"SHOPPING IT IS." They yelled in sync.

I brought this upon myself.

I'd like to thank my mother for making food and my brother for being shorter than me.

Sigh. So much for staying in bed.

They dragged me out of the house and waved bye to my mother who, by the way, wasn't even paying attention.

They could be kidnapping me and my mom would be completely ignorant of it.

They discussed what kind of shopping we should do on the way to the mall. I was pouting in the bask seat. Real mature, right?

It is. Don't lie.

I don't even know where we are going!

Another 5 minutes went by before we pulled up to a store.

A Halloween store.

I've got to figure a way to get out of this.

1. I could pretend that I forgot to feed Ralph

2. Derek and I had plans. He can take me to sonic.

3. Suck it up and just do it.

4. Pretend to pass out.

"Stop thinking of ways to get out of this." Saylor said in a sing-song voice.

I groaned and got out of the car tapping my foot impatiently.

Let's get this over with.

They drug me into the store where they pushed me into an aisle.

Harsh much?

I started looking through everything but all of them were...meh. Some of them I wouldn't be able to leave the house in.

Seriously people. Wear some clothes.

Fine. If this store can't depict my needs, I'll make my own costume. I marched defiantly around the store.

The store clerk was glaring at me.

I'm too fabulous for her.

Once I got everything, I piled into the dressing room with all of the clothes.

Here we go.
Hey Kae's Baes!

So I had a band competition on Saturday and we got 4th place!



So I got out of band this morning and I had a message on wattpad. I love getting messages from y'all by the way. Anyway...she sent me a cover and then sent another cover that she thought would be better!!

Truly amazing.

Thank you MediOgress !!

The new cover that she made is above. It is so FREAKING AWESOME!

This Chapter will have another half because of reasons.

Random Question: What is your favorite hobby?

I love cooking.

Anyway... I'm eating BBQ chips at lunch right now.



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