Chapter 17

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I'm sorry for not updating!

Here's the chapter

Remember that this chapter is when they were shopping for Halloween costumes.
I looked in the mirror with a smile on my face and twirled around.


I slipped on the shoes and strutted out of the dressing room like I was in a fashion show.

Saylor was in her costume talking to Haley who, by the way, wasn't in her costume. They both turned and looked at me.

They started screaming and saying how awesome my costume was. Just kidding. They let out sighs and shook their head.

"Why am not surprised?" Haley laughed.

"LOKI!" Saylor yelled in disbelief. I shrugged and have them a duh look.

I looked at Saylor's outfit. She was wearing an orange tank top, brown shorts, and brown shoes. She accompanied it with a purple bow and round shaped sunglasses.

"I'm doc." She proclaimed. She doesn't look like a doctor...

"Don't be so stupid Case, she is Doc from the seven dwarves." Haley rolled her eyes and I gave her a dirty look.

I knew that.

One day I'm going to figure out how to be a mind reader like my friends.

I stared pointedly at the bag in Haley's hand. I reached out to grab it but she yanked it out of my reach. She shook her finger at me and clicked her tongue.

"You aren't allowed to see it."


I sighed and stomped to the dressing room. Once I had changed, I went to check out. The employee looked at me weirdly so I crossed my eyes and smiled.

Haley and Saylor started coughing to hold in their laughter.

Oh, this is funny? I wonder...





The cashier gave me a dirty look and hurriedly checked me out. I skipped out of the shop with glee and a smile on my face.

Casey: 1

Other people: 300000000000


Maybe that's not something to brag about...

"Case, what you did is frowned upon in public." Haley scolded unsuccessfully.

I threw an innocent look at her and scurried off into the distance.

I swear I heard evil cackling from inside my head when it happened.

When I got to the park, I hopped on the swings and looked at the trees. I never learned to climb a tree. It wasn't "sightly" to see the pompous and well known kids dirty.

I missed out on so much.

I sighed and looked into the bag and smiled. I can't wait to be Loki for Halloween.

You know what? I'm going to swing. It's all the evil villain rage these days.

Once I got high enough, I jumped off and landed not so gracefully on my face. I heard chuckling from behind me. Crap. Someone saw me.

I turned slowly hoping not to see a rage murderer that was going to kidnap and marry me.


To my dismay, it was worse than that.

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