Chapter 20

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'I'm sorry Case. Will you be my friend, buddy, my pal?'

Below the sign was Derek,  holding flowers, and more importantly, food.

Holy crap.


Now what do I do? I have 3 options.

1. Hug him and take the food.

2. Run away.

3. Pretend like I don't know who Case is.

I sat on the floor thinking about my options, fully aware of all of the stares. I'm not really that mad at Derek, just upset that he ruined my romantical (new word!) moment, which is über-wrong.


I ran up, hugged Derek, grabbed the food, and ran away. Once I got far enough, I whipped out my phone.

C:  I don't know who Case is, but thanks for the food!

D: What?

C: Bye-bye!

Mission: Accomplished.

I did a happy dance and looked into the bag of food. There was nothing but a note. Really bro? Paper rather than food? This world has gone insane.

Might as well read the note.


If you're reading this, then I am dead. Just kidding! It means that you took the bag and ran. I have the real food. You'll find me because you want the food.


Rude. I sighed and got up from my position in the floor and started looking for Derek...and my food. Just when I was about to give up, I saw him standing beside his locker.

Why didn't I just look there first?

I ran up to him and stuck out my hand. He looked at me and shook his head.

"You said that you didn't know who Casey was. This is for Casey." He said innocently.


I took out my phone and texted him.

C: Fine, I am Casey.

Obviously, I don't listen to myself.

Derek smirked at me and gave me the food as we started to walk to our first period. I munched happily on the food.

Derek laughed and mumbled something under his breath as we reached our class.

I glanced at him with a look clearly saying that he should speak up.

Derek took a deep, conflicting sigh and opened his mouth.

"You're cute when you eat, well, you're cute all of the time." Best friend say what?

He looked at me with the most sincerity I have ever seen in a person's eyes. I looked at him as he was about to say something else.

"Casey, I-"

"Oooooooo!" Haley and Saylor cooed from inside the classroom.

Immediately we backed up a few inches from each other. Saylor turned to Haley.

"I thought that she liked-" Haley slapped her hand over Saylor's mouth. I shot her a look of gratitude. Saylor, who did not appreciate being silenced, pried Haley's hand off of her face.

"I thought that she liked Drew." Saylor finished.

I froze and Derek looked at me with no emotion in his eyes. He looked at Saylor and Haley with a fake smile.

"Then we should set them up." He said.

Hold up! I did not agree to this. I can't go on a date! How would I hold a conversation? Drew doesn't know sign language and I'm not that good yet.

Don't get me wrong, I like drew.

At least, I think I do.

I stomped into the room and plopped in my seat and stared intently at my desk.

How was this even going to work? My hands started getting clammy. Derek came up next to me and pat me like a dog.

"Don't worry Case. Any guy would be lucky to date you." He sounded determined but worried. Why would he be worried?

Soon class started and I played on my phone the entire period. When class was over, I gathered my stuff and walked to my locker to grab my books. Derek was talking about some video game he got while I exchanged my stuff.

Suddenly he stopped and I looked to see what silenced his video game madness.

I saw Drew walking up to us in a determined way. Derek mumbled something about giving us space and walked off.

"Hey Loki." He flashed a charming smile that could make any girl melt.

I gave him a small wave.

"So... I was thinking about how we got a long the other night," Drew paused,"and I was wondering if you would like to go on a date with me?"

Voices in the back of my mind were screaming at me saying no.

I ignored them.

Then I nodded my head.
Hey Kae's Baes!

Awwww. Drew and Case are going on a date. Isn't that adorable!

Anyway, there will be a sequel to this book after its finished. I will also be writing another book but I don't know for sure what it's going to be about.

Any ideas?

What should the sequel be called?

Random question of the chapter:
What is your favorite holiday?



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