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T-minus 1 hour.

1 hour until what you may ask? Derek invited me to a water park on our anniversary. That's never happened in the last 3 years. That's why I'm suspicious.

"Do you think that he is going to do it tonight?" Saylor inquiried. I shrugged. Maybe. I don't even know what to think anymore. Haley scoffed in annoyance.

"Of course he's going to do it! Casey's dream proposal is going down a water slide while it happens." She glanced at me. "Because she's a weirdo." I glared at her and paced my closet looking for the right bathing suit. Lucy walked in the room.

"How long does it take to pick out a swimsuit?" She asked. Holy crap. These girls were relentless. Maybe sharing an apartment was a bad idea. Haley pushed passed me and into the closet.

"Amateur." Saylor and Lucy sniggered at her remark. 10 minute later Haley yelled in triumph and ran out of the closet. She carried several pieces of clothing. I looked at it cautiously.

She had brought out a navy blue bikini. The bikini top had ruffles on it. To put over it, there was a white crop top, Jean shorts, and a floppy, striped hat. I shook my head uneasy.

"Guys, a crop top? You think I can actually pull that off?" I asked in disbelief. The three people in the room scoffed at me.

"Please, it's just like a bikini top but in t-shirt form!" Saylor stated in a matter-of-a-fact tone. Lucy nodded in agreement.

"Live a little, Case." She added. I rolled my eyes and walked to the bathroom to put them on. After I was done, I walked out and turned around. The girls gave me a round of applause. I scoffed.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm fabulous. Just remember that Loki is my spirit animal." I walked out of the room and down to the kitchen to grab a glass of water. When I was filling up a glass, I heard a noise. I slowly turned off the water. I hope the person knows that I'm a ninja. Someone grabbed my waist. I panicked and threw my glass of water at the person's head. The person deflected the glass and chuckled.

"Case, throwing things is not the answer to all of life's problems." Derek snickered. I groaned and picked up the glass. Somehow it didn't break, which is great because then I'd have to pick it up. Derek came over and pecked me on the lips.

"Are you ready to go?" He asked. I nodded and grabbed my bag full of towels and sunscreen. No way was I going to get a sunburn. The car ride didn't last long since the water park wasn't that far. Yes, that was a deciding factor in picking the apartment. After Derek had gotten the tickets, we walked in to find a chairs.

"Why don't we go to the wave pool? I bet I can beat you to the deep end." Derek suggested I nodded and took off my cover up. "3, 2-" I took off. He's in sports, I am not. I've gotta take my chance when I can. I heard Derek's steps getting closer and closer. He picked me up and threw me over his shoulder.

"Derek. Put me down or else." I threatened while hitting his back repeatedly. Derek chuckled and gripped me tighter.

"Well darling, you cheated and I can't have cheaters getting away that easy." He taunted. I groaned knowing where this was leading to. Derek dropped me into the frigid water. He just about died laughing when I got up. "You could've avoided this, Case." He sputtered out. I shoved him. Caught off guard, he splashed into the water.

"Casey Williams! You are going to pay for that!" The blood drained from my face. I ran as fast as possible in water to get away from him. When I got to the 'shore', a lifeguard told me to stop running. Much to my dismay, Derek doesn't have to run with his freakishly long legs.

"Why hello Case. We meet again." Derek said in the worse British accent known to man. I laughed. He looked at me confused and stroked his nonexistent beard.

"I thought that the accent was pretty good." He defended. I shook my head sadly.

"Nice try Moriarty. Whatever helps you sleep at night darling." I patted his shoulder and tried to make a get away. He seemed to forget about-

"Hang on a sec! Don't think that I forgot about your stunt!"

Or not.

I gave an innocent smile and started walking quickly towards the water slide. There was a crowd, maybe I could lose him. I glanced behind me long enough to see him searching the crowd. Much to my dismay, he found me quickly. I grabbed a single tube and tried to get up the stairs but he grabbed my shoulder.

"Darling, I think you meant to grab a double tube." Derek stated with his eyebrow raised. I pretended to think about it for a minute.

"No, I don't think so." Derek rolled his eyes and grabbed the double tube.

"Last one up is a rotten egg!" He yelled and started running up the stairs. Stairs. The deadliest weapon on earth, I one hundred percent guarantee it. I bent over and grabbed my knees by the time I reached Derek. He seemed unfazed but I heard his concealed heavy breathing and the could see the tint of red on his cheeks.

"Dang Case. What took you so long?" He sounded like he had waited 10 extra minutes instead of 2.

"Shut up. You're the one who ran out of the trees to save me, but not without stopping to catch your breath a couple of years ago." I smirked in success when his cheeks turned slightly pinker.

"I thought you let that go." He groaned.


"Next!" The guy at the slide yelled. Derek shifted the tube in his hands nervously. The closer we got to actually going down the slide, the more nervous he got.

"We don't have to go down the slide if you don't want to." I offered. He shook his head and gave me a smile. "Aright then." Soon enough, we started going down the slide.

"Hey Case?" Derek yelled.

"Yeah?" I yelled back.

"Turn around!" So I did and it happened. Derek held out a water proof ring case. (Smart man) In it was the most beautiful thing that I had ever seen.

"Casey Karson Williams, will you be the Amy to my Rory?" I squealed and fist pumped the air like a true sane person.

That's it. That's the epilogue.

Hey Kae's Baes!

You know who you should thank for this epilogue?


Seriously though, I wasn't going to do one.

Don't forget about the new book in starting or the one shot Thingamabob! Info on the last part.

Last Random Question of the Chapter for Mute, not Deaf:

What is your favorite sport? (If you don't sport, I totally understand)



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