Chapter One

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The Campbell household

"Vivienne!" Mrs. Wilson yelled up the stairs, trying to get her seventeen year old daughter to at least acknowledge her. "Vivienne Lucille Campbell, get up!"

Still no answer.

Ms. Campbell was a very busy woman. She was a lawyer for Foxx & Campbell, the most high class law office in four cities.

She's been extra bossy and on edge ever since her and Mr. Wilson, or Clark, divorced three years prior and it's been really getting to everybody. Even Rhonda the maid.

Doris turned to Rhonda is annoyance and placed a hand delicately to her forehead, tapping her foot impatiently.

"That girl doesn't know common sense to save her life."

"Ms. Campbell, honey. Let me talk to Miss. Vivienne, won't you?" Rhonda asked sitting her feather duster on the side board.

Doris looked stiff when first asked that, but she calmed, nodding in approval as Rhonda started up the large spiral staircase with beautiful marble flooring.

I guess you could say that they were rich. I mean, they only made a few thousand here and there. Nothing over exhilarating.

Rhonda reached the top of the stairs and turned down a smaller hallway. The only room down there was Vivienne's room, since she liked to keep away from her mother.

They weren't on the best of terms at the moment since Vivienne had decided to start dating an older man. And by older, I mean thirty four years old. That makes him seventeen years her senior. It's extremely gross, especially for Doris who is a year younger then her daughters boyfriend.

Could you imagine opening the door and seeing some old man asking for your daughter? Or, a man that's a year older than you asking for her? It's disturbing!

"Miss. Vivienne! May I come in?" Rhonda asked politely, tapping on the door.

No answer.

Rhonda turned the door knob, pushing the door open softly. "Miss. Vivienne, I-"

She stopped dead in the doorway when she looked at her queen bed, an abandoned queen bed.

She stepped into the room, searching frantically in the closets, the wardrobes. Even behind her vanity! Nothing.

"Ms. Campbell!" Rhonda screamed. "Ms. Campbell!"

Doris walked up the stairs quickly, the sound of her clicking heels echoing through the halls. Her waist length brown hair swung back and forth as she started running up the stairs, upset by Rhonda's tone of voice.

"Rhonda, what's the problem?" She asked, looking in the room once she reached it.

Rhonda had fear written all over her face. She held up a piece of paper with typewriter letters on it.

Vivienne won't be joining you right now. Or ever, unless you give me what I want.
What do I want, you ask? Well I'd like a ransom.
Yes. A ransom of five hundred thousand dollars. And if I don't get it, you ask?
Well you can kiss Vivienne's existence...

And taped onto the letter was a polaroid of Vivienne as she slept.


I really hoped you all enjoyed the first chapter of Photograph!

I personally love the mystery/thriller genre, so it'll be pretty good I think.

Thank you for reading this far if you have.

I love you all lots! x

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