Chapter Six

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The Meal Room
Jonathan's POV

"Guys, I'm telling you, there's a conspiracy. How could Joanie love Chachi? He's such a bum!"

For the past hour we've been listening to Matthew rant about Happy Days, the spin offs, and possible conspiracy theories. It's exhausting.

"Matthew, for the thousandth time..." Becky sighed exasperatedly. "Shut the fuck up."

I haven't seen Vivienne for an hour or so. I want to go look for her, but the next thing would be a new theory from Matthew about a love that is non existent between the two of us.

"Oh, I completely forgot!" Nicole exclaimed. "I left some heavy boxes in my room that I need to put up on a shelf. Being, under five foot three, I couldn't possibly lift them myself. Jonathan, do you mind?"

I looked up, furrowing my brows. "Uh, yeah. Sure."

We both got up from the table in sync and sauntered out of the room. We walked on through the halls.

Nicole clear d her throat, pushing her hair back. "I almost barfed at the consistency of those tofu nuggets. I feel nauseous."

I nodded in agreement. "Yeah, those were pretty bad."

Silence fell among us as we reached the dormitories. Nicole led me down to the end of the hall. She halted in front of Vivienne's room. I followed her action.

"This is Vivienne's room." I stated, pointing to the door.

"Thank you, captain obvious." Nicole rolled her eyes. "She's in there. I know you were curious as to where she was, so here you go."

I shoved my hands into my pockets and puffed out a heavy breath. "Nicole..."

"Nicole nothing." She placed a hand on my cheek and smiled. "Talk. I've seen the way you look at her, man. Pull the moves, butter her up. Make her feel like a respected woman."

I nodded. "But I'm awkward."

Awkward; the definition of me.

"Fuck you and your awkward bullshit." Nicole slapped me upside the head. "Do not bust my chops, you ignorant twat. Get going."

I rubbed the side of my head as Nicole scurried off down the hall Velma style. I guess I should be hospitable and speak with Vivienne.

I knocked on the door twice. It popped open. I heard soft music playing.

"Vivienne?" I asked gently, pushing the door open slowly. I peered around the edge.

You're a teaser, you turn 'em on
Leave them burning and then you're gone

The sight of two bodies pressed together, swaying to the beat of ABBA implanted in my mind as I stared on at Vivienne. She was there with a guy. Not just a guy, but my best friend.


You can dance, you can jive, having the time of your life


Here it is! A new chapter of Photograph!

Is there a bit of a brawl brewing between Jonathan and Tom?

You'll find out tomorrow night (AST) what's gonna go down!!

Leave any feedback you have below!! I always love hearing what you all have to say!!


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