Chapter Five

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The Underground Hotel
Vivienne's POV

"So what you're telling me, is that I don't have to stay in that gross room with that broken cot this whole time?" I exclaimed as Peter led me into, what he said, the underground hotel.

Everybody has a bedroom with all the needed appliances. My room just blew me away because it was an exact replica of my room back home. There was my queen size bed, large oak wardrobe, vanity, white and pink powder curtains and all my little decorations and knick knacks.

I walked over to the bookcase and ran my fingers along the books. "Peter, how did you-"

"Well-" I cut him off before he could say another word.

"Thank you so much!"

Peter patted me on the shoulder. "Don't thank me. Thank Jon."

I looked at him, my smile still large. He gave me a pat and left my room. I walked over to the wardrobe and threw it open, revealing a closet full of-

"Those are training outfits, out and about outfits. There's a night dress if you're feeling particularly fancy." Jonathan chuckled, walking over towards the wardrobe.

My stomach was still flipping. This was actually fucking nice if you push aside the fact that he kidnapped me.

I looked into Jonathan's eyes, tears welling up in my own. This was precious to me.
I reached my arms up and wrapped them around Jonathan's neck, pulling him into a tight embrace.

"I love it." I whispered as he gripped my sides and pulled me in closer. I could feel his warm breath escape over the top of my head. To be honest, it was kinda weird. Ew.

Quickly I pulled away and turned back to my clothes, grabbing a dark red and black one piece spandex suit and bringing it out. I studied it, happy with my decision

"Get out." I told Jonathan, grabbing him and dragging him to the door. "It's unholy to see breasts."

Jonathan's eyes moved down my upper body and making their way back up to meet mine. "What breasts?"

"Out." I pointed to the door.

"Relax, I was just joshing you." He was charmingly smiling at his own joke. Asshole.

I threw my clothes onto my bed and crossed my arms sassily. "Joshing, my ass."

"I'll leave." Jonathan laughed, backing out of the room hurriedly as I slammed the door.

The Training Loop

"Hey!" Jonathan called out as he jogged over to me. "Glad to see you have a smile on your face." He joked.

I was still scowling. It's my rest face and it's been that way since I was thirteen.

"So what are we up to?" I asked, swinging my hands back and forth as Jonathan and I started towards the inner field. "What is everyone doing?"

"We're practicing." He smiled.

"Yes, yes. Now I see." I watched Tom throw a flame towards Matthew who jumped like thirty eight feet into the air and started throwing ice pellets.

"Holy shit." I whispered, feeling a hand take my hand. I looked up to meet Jonathan's gaze.

"Let's go!" He smiled, dragging me through the field in a stumble filled run.

We finally reached the sidelines where sat a bench. I started to lower myself onto it when I felt a swift kick to my shin and an "excuse me."

My eyes widened as I realized the bench had just kicked AND spoken to me.

What the fuck.

"Uh... What?" I said, studying the possessed bench.

"Oh, I'm sorry! I'm Becky!"

A shadow started to grow, turning solid and becoming a girl. What the actual fuck?

"Hi..." I said, totally shocked by what just happened in front of me.

"Jonny, am I always the last person to meet the newbies?" Becky asked, wagging a finger at him. "I didn't even get to meet myself before I did!" She laughed.

"Vivienne." I held out a hand to shake hers. She took it and gave it a real good shake. Almost ripped my arm off, if you ask me!

"So what can you do?" Becky asked, looking me up and down. "You're a good size... Is it shrinking?"

A good size? Is she calling me big? Because I'm only like a hundred forty two pounds.

"Telekinesis." I replied, looking over at Jonathan who was just gazing at me. I don't think he notices me looking back.

"Jonny!" Becky screamed, scaring Jonathan out of his gaze. "Jon, you're gazing at Viv... Again."

I felt my cheeks burning. I feel special... Or maybe he thinks I'm a sewer rat.

"Oh, I was just..." Jonathan began as he walked away.

Becky smirked and turned back to me. I smiled gently as she leaned over and laid a hand over my shoulder. "He so digs you." She laughed.

"Becky, he does not. He's just..." I began.

She was insanely smiling. "Butt crazy in love with you!"

As my cheeks caught fire, I felt my smile curve upwards. Why?

Nicole ran over to us as huffed, leaning an arm over Becky's shoulder. "Why?" Nicole questioned. "Because you totally want him!"

"Do not!" I whisper screamed.

"Do fucking too!" Nicole yelled at the top of her lungs. Talk about an eardrum rupture.

I puffed my cheeks out and crossed my arms over my chest. "No way."

But... Do I like Jonathan? Do I love Jonathan? What do I think of him? What does he think of me?

Nicole sat on the ground and crossed her legs. "Sit please!" She motioned to the dirt.

Becky and I sat and looked at Nicole in confusion.

"Listen to me when I say this, Viv. I'll help you find out the truth." Nicole stared straight at me. "But we will need to do a whole lot of sneaking."

I nodded, as did Becky.

"I can sneak around him while he is alone or something. Since I can turn invisible." Becky chipped in.

"Yeah?" I asked.

Nicole waved me out of a quick trance and smiled. ''And I'll eavesdrop. Nothing new there." She motioned as if she were throwing it back to the past.

Silence fell among us as we watched Tom and Jonathan from across the loop. Nicole suddenly kicked me in the arm, causing extreme pain. Greeeeeat.

"So Viv..." Nicole leaned in close. "You wanna shag Jon?"

My eyes bulged as my hand covered my face. "NO!"

I do.

Nicole grinned. "Fuckin' knew it. You're such a wanker."

How did she know?

"Too much, Viv. I did not need t-"

"STOP THAT!" I fell back and stared at the ceiling. All my emotions were coming together in a confusing mould that I couldn't even solve. How am I supposed to feel? Excited? Depressed? Even more confused? I don't even want to like Jonathan. He's such a dipshit... But he could be my dipshit. NO WAY, NO HOW! What is fucking wrong with me?


Worst chapter yet, but it's basically a filler.

Comment any feedback that you may have, because I love hearing what you all have to say!

Thank you! .x

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