Chapter Nine

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Jonathan's Room

Jonathan's POV

"The ceiling is spinning." Vivienne said as she twirled recklessly around my bedroom. I couldn't help but chuckle, it's so goddamn cute.

"Maybe," I said, stepping over and placing my hands on her shoulders, bringing her to a swaying halt, "you should stop doing that."

Vivienne laughed, twisting from my hands and collapsing onto my bed. I watched as she pushed her bangs out of her face and sighed in comfort.

"Jon, come, sit." she ordered, motioning for me to sit alongside her. I followed suit, bringing a knee up to my chest and turning to look at her. Her smile faded as soon as she looked at me.

"Did I... did I do something?" I questioned, cocking an eyebrow.

She shook her head. "Nah, not you. Peter did. Who the hell is Walter?"

I was wondering that myself. Perhaps Walter is a colleague of Peter's from another district, or perhaps he is his teacher, granted the fact that Peter is still learning the ropes of his own business.

"Who in their right mind hangs out with weird old dudes anyways?" she fluttered her eyes up to mine, breaking me out of my thoughts. "No offence to you being around Peter and all."

I stifled a laugh and relaxed, laying down and crossing my feet. "Don't sweat it, dude. I'm sure that it's all cool, whatever it is."

Vivienne sat up on her knees and looked at me with the 'are you fucking dumb?' look spread across her face. Now I'm in for it.

"First of all, did you just call me dude?" she asked with a mocking expression.

I nodded. "Well yeah, aren't we-"

"Secondly, sorry to cut ya off their Jon ol' boy, but there is nothing cool about this situation. Did you hear the way that those two had been talking? It sounded off, like they're in some sort of cahoots on something that we don't know about."

"Yeah Viv, but-"

"Not yet, that it."

"What?" I furrowed my brows. "Viv, we can't go around sticking our noses in possibly dangerous business. That would just be plain stupid."

"So," she squinted her eyes, "it is dangerous!"

Ugh, here we go. "No, that's not what I said."

"I think that it is."

I grabbed a pillow from beside me and tossed it at her. Next thing, the pillow beneath my head was out from under me and pressed against my face."

"Viv!" I pushed the pillow off of me. "Don't use your damn telekinesis to kill me, frig."

Vivienne shrugged and crawled over to me. "Let's bust this case wide open."

"I don't know-"

"Bust it like a nut." she said in dead seriousness.

"In what context are you using 'nut'?"

"Jon..." she said, lowering her lashes at me.

Vivienne threw one leg over my torso and trapped me between her legs. She placed a hand upon my neck gently and started to move her way down my chest.

"Do this for me, and I'll do something..." she trailed her hand down my stomach and stopped at the buckle of my belt. "For you."

I raised an eyebrow, smirking at Vivienne's crafty manipulative ploy to get me involved in this mess. "And what exactly will you do for me?"

She smiled, leaning into my ear.

"I'll do whatever you please." she whispered softly, placing a quick kiss on my temple. This girl has got me fucked up.

We remained frozen as I decided upon a conclusion. Risk it all for a girl, or remain normal as usual?

She moved her hand down to my trusty ol' dick and began rubbing me through my jeans. She was right about busting a nut, damn. I was harder than a math quiz.

"Okay, let's do it." I blurted out. Curse you hormones.

Vivienne smirked, rolling over me and standing up. Oh, this is getting good.

"Now that business is settled, report to the training loop tonight after nightfall. I'll be waiting." she chimed, and with that, she was out the door and away from me.

I sat up, bamboozled as I'll get out.

I sighed. "Why can't I just see a titty or two, damn."


Good day readers! Here's a new update! Again, it is a slight filler chapter that will lead up to the good stuff. Hopefully, though, this was entertaining for somebody (hahaha)

Anyways, have a good one y'all, and thanks for peeping this story :)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2018 ⏰

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