Chapter Seven

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The Next Morning
Shower Room
Jonathan's POV

"Hey bro, you would not believe what happened last night!" Tom excitedly said, throwing a robe on over his towel covered body. "Me and Vivienne totally did it."

I felt my stomach drop when I heard those lethal words. I felt nauseous and pissed off.

"What the fuck, man?" I yelled, throwing my hands up to Tom's chest and shoving him back. He went down in a second.

"I should be asking you the same thing!" Tom yelled back as he got up. He stepped closer to me and stared me dead in the eye.

"No, Tom. What the fuck is wrong with you? She's the new girl, and you are completely taking advantage of her!" I bit my tongue to hold back the possible friendship ending words that were brewing within my voice box.

"I did not take advantage of her!" He yelled, throwing up his hands and clutching his hair. He began to pace in place. "She just had a little too much to drink, and I couldn't control what was happening. She totally came onto me, and I didn't stop her." I noticed a cocky g in spread across his lips. That douche,

I stopped dead in my tracks, my eyes widening in pure anger. "You had sex with a girl who was drunk out of her mind?" I couldn't believe this.

Tom only nodded. Still can't believe this.

"Did she even know what was happening?"

Tom shook his head no.

That asshole.

"I can't look at you right now." I whispered, turning around and walking off.

"You just got punked!" Echoed through the shower room. My eyes squinted and I looked over my shoulder.

"What?" I asked through gritted teeth.

Tom laughed hysterically. Through his laughs he said again, "You just got punked!"

His laughter pissed me off. I stretched my arm out across the room and reached him, grabbing him by the collar and dragging him towards me. His eyes finally met mine. He was laugh-crying. Bastard. I shook him.

"Never do that to me, Tom. Do not test me." I whispered as his eyes spread in surprise.

Tom nodded his head and pushed away, grabbing his stuff off of his shelf and exiting the room. Asshole.

I heard a laugh coming from another stall.

I turned around, Matthew coming out of the stall. "Nice one, Jonny boy!" He laughed.

I nodded towards him. He walked out.

I need to chill.

Vivienne's POV

"Man, I really need to get some sleep..." I sighed as I watched Nicole braid her hair.

"Sleep is for the weak." Nicole smirked. I don't recall her ever being tired. I believe that she refuses to sleep. All she does is drink coffee and smoke. I could get up at 3:23am and she'd be sitting in the training loop lighting up what was probably her eighth cigarette.

"Well I'm not one for staying awake, Nicole." I laughed as I rubbed my bloated stomach. I got my period in the middle of late night training and dripped all over the restroom stall. I had to get Matthew to retrieve me a box of tampons. That was weird for the both of us.

"Hold on." Nicole stopped mid-braid and reached over to her nightstand. She picked up a bag of M&M's and pulled them tightly to her chest. "You can never tell anybody about this, okay? This is what keeps me the way I am."

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