Chapter Eight

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The Meal Hall
Vivienne's POV

I sluggishly walked into the meal hall with my head dangling low and my arms stuck in my jacket pockets. It was cold as tits in here and I felt like now was the time to turn right the fuck around and go back to bed, but instead, I heard a shout and became drawn to it and its whereabouts.

"Stop Viv!" I heard Jonathan breathe harder as he approached me. "Don't go into the kitchen."

I raised my head and grunted, squinting my eyes as I looked Jonathan square up. "Fuck you, I want breakfast."

I pushed past him to get to the kitchen when he gently grabbed my wrist and pulled me towards him.

I stared him up. "What?!"


The loud sound erupted from the kitchen followed by the clunks and clangs of pots and pans. Time to do some investigating and interrogating.

"What did you do?" I ripped my arm from his grasp and marched into the kitchen. The room was absolutely thrashed. Food, ingredients, materials... Everywhere! It looked like a food fight gone wrong up in there.

I turned around to see Jonathan rubbing the back of his neck, teeth clenched and making a tsss sound. His eyes darted up a second after I saw him.

My eyes widened. "Jonathan!"

He dropped his arms and shrugged his shoulders. "So I didn't listen to Bill Nye. Sue me."

I laughed, leaning over and punching him in the arm. "You're a dip."

The sound of stomping echoed through the steel hall behind us. Jonathan spun around and stared me dead in the eyes. "We've gotta hide."

"I got you dude, hold up." I turned swiftly towards the door, pushing Jonathan towards a closet as I swooshed my hand through the air. The door swung shut.

Jonathan stumbled into the closet, me following close behind. I pulled the door shut and pressed Jonathan against the wall with my body. He made an oof sound when his head smacked against the wall.

"Shut up." I whispered, sliding down the wall and into a ball in the corner. Jonathan stretched his arms up at the ceiling and pulled himself up, flattening himself against the ceiling like a stain. This bitch.

The voices and footsteps entered the kitchen. There was shouting.

"For fuck sakes, Walter, what the fuck happened in here?" Peter's voice shouted angrily. I felt my heart jump.

I looked up at Jonathan. He reached his hand down, nodding for me to take it. I grasped it tightly and he pulled me up to his chest. I attempted to mold myself into his body, clinging onto the small rafter above his torso for dear life. He held onto me tightly. He was warm.

"When I find whoever did this, I'll kill 'em." He grunted, slamming a hand down on the sheet metal covered crates that they call counters.

"Peter, Peter, Peter... Get your kids together. They will blow up this place before we can even commence the operation."

"Walter, I don't know..."

"Peter!" Walter yelled.

A loud sigh was heard. "Yes sir."

"Dismissed." Walters' voice echoed. The sound of footsteps exiting the room followed before the door shut. Jonathan let out a sigh.

"Oh my god." He whispered.

"Oh my god." The voice of Walter bounced off the walls. "That idiot must go."

Footsteps again. Door slam. Silence.

"What operation?" I whispered to Jonathan. "And who the fuck is Walter?"


Hey all! I'm back with this weak chapter that i had written like six months ago lol

I'm gonna be writing up new (better) chapters that will hopefully hook you into the story. 

I've been absent for a long time due to a lot of personal issues, but i think that now's the time to finally reboot the system and give my writing another chance :)

i can't wait for y'all to see what i have in store for this book! it's going to be absolutely killer.

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