Chapter Two

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The Hideout
Vivienne's POV

"Wake up."

Those two words echoed softly throughout the dry, dimly lit room that sat one and lay another.

"Wake up!" It was gently shouted.

That snapped me out of it.

I shot up in surprise, looking around frantically. My eyes fell upon a mysterious figure sitting on a stool in the corner, studying a computer screen. I couldn't help but get curious, so I stood up off the small cot, unsteadily wandering towards the person.

As I approached them, I noticed what they were looking at.

Security cameras, blue prints, maps. This stuff looked important. Top secret even.

"I'm glad you're awake." The deep, beautiful voice said. That voice, I personally thought, was seriously sexy sounding. But yet again, I'm a girl that finds Tom Bergeron sexually appealing.

"Who are you?" I asked shakenly, trying to get a better glimpse of the person. They have a dark hoodie on, the hood drawn over their face. "Why am I here?"

The person stood up, towering above me. I'm only five foot and a half, and they looked maybe five nine, give or take.
I had snapped out of my thoughts once the man reached up and pulled off the hood, revealing a... Beautiful face.

Like, he was beautiful. His jawline was sharp, his short blond hair was tousled from the hood with whispy bangs shagged across his forehead. And his eyes, oh my god. They were so blue, it was unbelievable!

"Sorry about that." He laughed, unzipping the hoodie and throwing it onto the stool.

I placed a hand on my hip sassily and raised my eyebrows in shock. "But you're not sorry for kidnapping me? Listen, you might be hot as fuck, but I'm not gonna let this slide just because you are literal perfection."

He tensed his jaw, making a "tssss" sound. "Oh yeah. Well, I technically was not the one who kidnapped you."

"What the fuck. What the. The fuck. What the fuckitty fuck fuck." I quietly cussed, stomping a foot. "You, you mother fucker, are a piece of shit. Aren't you even gonna give the decency of telling me your name before I kick your fucking ass?"

The guy had wide eyes, looking me up and down. "Calm down, rich girl! I was getting to that!" He raised his hands in defence. "I'm Jonathan."

"Charmed I'm sure." I said mockingly before walking towards the computers. I reached forward the touched the keypads, running my fingers along them. I finally reached a large red button at the end of the pad that had a glass case over it.

"Hey, hey! Don't touch that!" Jonathan said warningly.

"What?" I asked innocently. "This?" I placed my hand on the button.

"Watch it, kid." He said once more. "If you press that, bad things will happen."

I decided to challenge Jonathan. "To me?"

"W-well... I have no idea."

"Jonathan, are you telling me that this large, red, totally in your face button has a murderous record?"

"I didn't say that!" He said quickly. I could see sweat beads forming on his forehead.

I started to practically molest the button softly. "Wow. This button even feels deadly."

There was silence. Jonathan started to flinch.

"It'd be a shame if someone were to... Press it." I instigated. This is fun.

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