Chapter Four

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The Lobby
Vivienne's POV

"So what can I do?" I asked, throwing my arm in the air. I was hoping to become a slinky too.

"Don't ask me." Jonathan said, brushing my hair back.

I had my head laying on Jonathan's lap and looking up at the ceiling. I don't even know why I was in this position. He basically kidnapped me anyways. I might trust him a little too much.

Unfortunately I can't move my arms and I have no tush strength so I'm stuck like this.

Peter walked into the lobby carrying some water bottles.

"Hey kiddo. Thought you might be thirsty." He smiled.

He held up a water bottle on his palm. "You want?" He taunted.

I nodded aggressively. I reached my hand in the direction of it and swiped my arm when...

Jonathan's POV

The water bottle Peter was taunting Vivienne just shot over into her hand! I was totally shocked.

"Telekinesis." Peter said proudly.

"Well fuck me in the ass." Vivienne said under her breath.

I laughed. "Don't you pay attention in health class? That's illegal until you're eighteen."

"Fuck off, Jonathan. I'm freaking out! I just made water come to me." Vivienne started to hyperventilate.

What a fucking weirdo.

Vivienne's POV

I immediately shot up off the bench and stomped over to Peter and I grabbed that bitch by the collar. I stared him in the eyes, fear written across his face.

"You... You are a mother fucking piece of lard, you know that?" I shook Peter. "I wish that I could give you shaken adult syndrome and HAVE YOU DIE IN MY HANDS!" I screamed in his face.

I heard Jonathan rush over to us behind me. He grabbed my shoulder gently. What a fucking priss.

"Vivienne..." He whispered. "Vivienne, he gave you a power."

I stopped, looking Peter in the eyes. "Is it possible to make brains implode?"

Jonathan slowly pulled me away, sitting me down on another bench.

"Thank you for that... Enlightenment." Peter said shakily, adjusting his collar. What a shit.

I was snapped out of my hatred thoughts by a door slamming. We all looked to the left and saw two people, a girl and a boy, enter the room.

"Peter, can you please tell her that I'm right?" The boy said, looking from the girl to Peter.

"I'm right, you moron! Tell him, Peter!" The girl said in an arrogant tone. She has an English accent so it seemed fucking whiny.

They seem like a couple of twats to me.

They both looked over at me. They looked a little surprised and a little confused.

"We aren't that confused." The girl said as she started walking towards me. "But you're right. We are a tad shocked. And I'm not whiny nor arrogant." She said, reaching a hand forward.

I took her hand, gently shaking it. "How did you-"

"I can read minds." The girl smiled proudly. "By the way, I'm Nicole!"

I studied Nicole as she stood before me, mind reader and all. She must be about four foot eleven, give or take. She has poofy, long blonde hair and bright blue eyes. She's super pretty.

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