Chapter Three

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Some Tunnel
Vivienne's POV

"Where does this even lead?" I whispered, pushing slightly past Jonathan.

Jonathan grabbed me by the shoulder and pulled me back. "Man, you really don't understand rules. When somebody says 'stay behind me', you tend to stay behind them."

I rolled my eyes, falling back a couple feet. "But seriously, Jonathan."

"Seriously what?" He asked as he reached into his pocket and brought out a flashlight. He flicked it on and shone it up the dark tunnel.

"Where. Does. This. Lead?" I snapped, stopping him and turning him around to face me. He looked down at me, slightly annoyed I'd say.

"We're going to the training loop. It's a large underground field that we-"

"Let me guess... Do the training in?" I finished ignorantly.

Jonathan nodded, turning back and continuing to walk.
"We have to go to the laboratory first." He said cooly.

My eyes widened and I stood still. "Woah, woah, woah. Back that truck the fuck up." I raised my hands in front of me, signalling for Jonathan to stand still. "Laboratory?"

"That's where the injections are given." He placed a hand on his hip and tapped his foot. "I got mine when I was fourteen. It just gives you not only immune strength, but one power."

I scoffed with an eye roll. It's my signature look since I am the bitch.
"Oh yeah? And what did you get?"

Jonathan lifted his hand up twisting it a couple times. "My arm is kinda stiff. I haven't done this in a while."

And like, maybe five seconds later, his arm started to stretch down the tunnel alongside me. Like, he is a fucking elastic!

"Cool, huh?" He smirked, twisting his arm into multiple shapes until finally bringing it back to normal length. "And I can do that with everything on my body."

"Everything?" I wiggled my eyebrows pervertedly. Another signature move since I am the weird pervert.

I could see from the light that Jonathan was blushing, and that was just plain adorable. He's like a little baby sheep. Cute.

"Can we... Could we go now? There's only like five minutes left of the tunnel." Jonathan said with a shy smile, turning on his heel and walking a little faster than before.

I tried to catch up with him. I really did. I don't know how he was going to fa-

He has his fucking legs stretched out all the was to Mississippi, of course he's going 95 in a walking zone!

"Jonathan, wait up!" I said, starting to run. I hate running, it's so gross and I hate sweating. I'm so bad in heat, it just makes me so uncomfortable. Oh my god, and the thigh rash I get when they rub against each other after like, working out. UGH.


Jonathan's POV

"Here we are." I said as I pushed open a large steel gate. I tried not to let Vivienne notice that I was basically dying doing this because it is a really fucking heavy gate.

"This is the loop?" I heard Vivienne ask curiously as she walked up and stood next to me.

"Yup." I popped the p. "We have to go down that hallway." I pointed to a wooden door in the side of a hill. "To the lab."

Vivienne nodded, starting towards it. As she passed me, I stopped and massaged my left arm. That gate could wreck a body.

"Hurry up!" She yelled, looking back at me.

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