Author's note: somethin short n' sweet ;) Extra chapter for today, there might not be one until Monday cause I'm refining the story a little.
I have a vague idea where to take this story, next party is Mandy's first taylor performance etc etc. possible Joe confrontation later and then somehow Travis (although I might write Travis as one shot cause I want this story to be men free haha but we'll see how long this keeps me entertained ;)). But if you have any suggestions for specific scenes please let me know <3
It's been a week since my Four Seasons adventure. Things are going... okay. You know, apart from the whole 'I'm living in a billionaire's penthouse and have nightmares almost every night' thing. Taylor's always there during the nightmares. Always. She says my nightmares are my brain processing what has happened to me. I know she still gets hers - I hear her sometimes.
Rumors are going insane. People have spotted Taylor when she was at Four Seasons, despite her incognito mode, and are wondering who the girl is. Who I am. But I don't want them to make any statements. To claim me. I don't want anything. So, despite Tree's disapproval, we're letting people talk.
Taylor has a performance tomorrow. All money is going to charity. She wanted to cancel but I told her to do it. And that I want to see it. I've never heard her sing, apart from hearing her make new songs in the studio. A part of me still... doesn't want to get too attached. I know she's this big celebrity to everyone else. But to me, she' a dork who stays with me when I cry.
"Waffles with blueberries, extra syrup," Taylor announces and slides the plate to me. I smile and eat like I always do - fast, like it'll be taken away from me any minute.
Taylor watches me inhale the waffles while typing on her phone. Tree's been here since dawn, juggling three phones and looking like she might murder someone.
"The internet is losing their minds," Tree announces, not looking up from her typing. "Got another dozen interview requests."
"No statements," I say, my mouth full of waffles.
"I know, I know." Tree rolls her eyes. "Though it would be easier if-"
"No," Taylor and I say in unison.
"Fine." Tree throws her hands up. "But people are getting creative with their theories. My favorite so far is that Mandy's actually Taylor's clone from the future."
I snort. "Obviously. Can't you see the resemblance?"
"Totally," Taylor grins. "Though I think my clone would have better table manners."
I deliberately shove an entire waffle in my mouth. Taylor laughs while Tree makes a sound of disgust.
My phone suddenly buzzes multiple times.
Unknown: It's your cool aunt Sabrina
Unknown: Carpenter. ya know, like Jesus was
Unknown: IS THIS TOO FAR FOR A JOKE? thought you might appreciate, mini swift
Unknown: Taylor gave me your number
Unknown: Hope that's cool
Unknown: If not blame her not me
I snort, making Taylor peek at my phone.
"Oh right, I forgot," she grins, "thought you'd like to meet someone who can probably match your attitude.
I raise my eyebrows. Challenge accepted.
Me: who says you're the cool aunt?
Sabrina: bish please
Sabrina: have you SEEN the others??

Wildest Dreams - A Taylor Swift Adoption Fanfiction
Fanfiction14 year old Mandy runs through the streets of New York City, escaping from an orphanage, when she collides with Taylor Swift. Rated mature for themes of PTSD, childhood trauma, domestic violence