Chapter 24: Grandma

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Author's note: I had to humble Tree hehe 

Also, pick your adventure, there's two ways this story can go towards the end:

- a lotta drama but it's less logical to the story (potentially about 3-4 more chapters cause I have an idea, but I will wrap this up eventually either way)

- short and sweet happy ending and it's more logical to the story (about 2 more chapters)

I watch from the couch as Taylor rearranges my pillows for approximately the millionth time since we got home from the hospital. She's been hovering non-stop, treating me like I might shatter if I move wrong. The apartment feels different somehow - warmer, safer maybe, but also slightly suffocating with all the attention.

"Mom," I groan as she adjusts the blanket again for the hundredth time. "I'm fine. The doctors literally said I'm fine. You were there. Tree recorded it."

"They said you need rest," she corrects, now fussing with the temperature controls like the room being half a degree too warm might somehow kill me. "And proper care, and-"

"And apparently an army of overprotective rich people," I mutter, watching Tree pace nearby while typing furiously on her phone. She hasn't stopped moving since we got back, like somehow standing still might make her miss something crucial. "What are you even doing?"

"Researching how to care for a stubborn kid who hid her appendicitis," Tree doesn't look up from what appears to be her third phone of the hour. "And coordinating with the medical team. And possibly hiring a live-in nurse..."

"Absolutely not."

"Actually," Taylor perks up, and I can see the idea taking root in her eyes, "that's not a bad-"

"NO." I try to sit up straighter but wince slightly at the pull in my side. Both of them immediately try to get closer as they see me wince. "Oh my god, stop! I'm fine!"

"You're not fine," they say in perfect unison, which is actually creepy as fuck. They've been doing that more lately - speaking together, sharing the same worried looks, tag-teaming their protective instincts.

"You had surgery," Taylor reminds me, like I could possibly forget the past 24 hours of drama. "Major surgery. Because you didn't tell anyone you were sick until your appendix nearly burst."

"Yeah, about that..." Tree starts, her voice taking on that Tree lecture tone, but the doorbell cuts her off.

"That'll be mom," Taylor says, heading for the door. There's relief in her voice - like somehow adding another overprotective woman to this mix is going to help.

"Great," I slump further into my pillow fortress. "More fussing."

Andrea bursts in like a force of nature, loaded with grocery bags. "Hi my beautiful girls! Grandma's here!"

The moment her eyes lock onto me, I instinctively try to shrink. There's something about that grandmother-on-a-mission look that makes even Tree take a step back.

"Oh you sweet girl, have you always been this skinny?" She demands, dropping the bags and rushing over with surprising speed. "Was your surgery all okay? I was worried sick. Taylor, is she eating enough? She looks too thin. Tree, what's her diet plan?"

"I eat fine," I protest weakly as she starts examining me like I'm some kind of medical specimen. Her hands are gentle but determined as she checks me over. I'm too tired to even care about flinching.

"Fine isn't good enough." Andrea turns to Taylor, who's hovering nearby looking both relieved and slightly overwhelmed by her mother's arrival. "Has she been getting proper nutrients? What about vitamins? Iron levels?"

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