Chapter 22: No Hospitals

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Author's note: Someone asked for more drama so here ya go, this was a vivid scene in my head so hopefully it came out right haha

I haven't been feeling well for the past few days. There's something going on in my stomach, but Taylor has her big award show tonight. I keep telling myself that this is just like any other time I've been sick at the orphanage before. My body will just heal itself and it'll all be okay. So, I don't mention anything.

"I don't need a babysitter!" I protest from Taylor's bed where I'm watching her get ready for the awards show. "I'm fourteen, not four."

"Sabrina's not babysitting," Taylor says diplomatically, digging through her jewelry box. "She's just... keeping you company."

"While making sure I don't burn down the apartment or join a street gang?"

"Exactly." She holds up two pairs of earrings. "The diamonds or the sapphires?"

"Diamonds. And I'm perfectly capable of staying home alone."

"I know you are, baby." She starts putting on the earrings. "But after the murder motel..."

"Oh my god, that was one time!"

"One time too many," she turns to face me.

"YO TINY CRIMINAL!" Sabrina's voice booms through the apartment. "YOUR FAVORITE AUNT HAS ARRIVED!"

"That's debatable," I mutter, but I'm fighting a smile.

"I heard that!" Sabrina appears in the doorway. "And I'm obviously the favorite. I brought contraband snacks."

"No contraband anything," Taylor warns, adjusting her dress. "I mean it, Sab."

"You're no fun since becoming a mom." Sabrina sticks her tongue out at her.

"I can still ground you."

"Pretty sure you're not my mom," Sabrina flops onto the bed next to me.

I snort and raise my eyebrow at Taylor, "You want HER to babysit me? Really?"

Taylor squints, "You're right, I should ask Tree for back up."

"Pretty sure Tree will stay in her office the whole time pretending she's not watching us on her stupid camera feed anyway."

Two hours after Taylor leaves, it hits me - waves of nausea followed by the worst stomach pain I've ever felt. I'm curled up on the couch, trying to hide it from Sabrina, but then another wave hits and I can't hold back a whimper.

"Mini me?" Sabrina pauses the movie we're watching, immediately alert. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing," I try to say, but my voice cracks and suddenly I'm crying - actually crying - from the pain.

"Okay, that's definitely not nothing." She's at my side instantly, pressing a hand to my forehead. "Shit, you're burning up."

"Don't tell mom," I manage between gasps. "She has the awards and-"

"Baby, you're literally shaking." Sabrina's voice has lost all its usual playfulness. "I'm calling-"

"No!" I grab her arm. "Please. She'll worry and it'll ruin everything and-"

Another wave of pain cuts me off and I curl tighter into myself, tears streaming now.

"Okay, new plan." Sabrina's already moving, gathering supplies. "First, we're getting you to bed. Then I'm calling Tree because she'll actually murder me if I don't. Then we're getting you help."

"I'm fine," I try to argue, but even I can hear how weak it sounds.

"Yeah, and I'm a nun." She helps me up, supporting most of my weight. "Come on, tiny criminal. Let's get you horizontal."

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