Chapter 7: One Night

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The front door opens and Tree's head snaps up from her laptop. Her eyes go wide at the sight of us.

"What happened? Did she fall? Are you hurt? Do we need..."

"Tree," Taylor cuts her off. "Breathe."

"I am breathing," Tree snaps, already on her feet. "I'm breathing and planning which hospital won't leak to the press and calculating how many NDAs we'll need and-"

"No hospitals," I growl, trying to stand straighter despite the way my knee is ready to give up on me. "And stop talking about me like I'm not here."

Tree takes a deep breath, visibly forcing herself to calm down. "Right. Sorry. How about we start with you sitting down before you fall down?"

"I'm fine-"

"You're about three seconds from passing out, which definitely isn't a definition of fine," she interrupts, but her voice is gentler now. "And if you face-plant under my watch, I'll never hear the end of it."

"You care way too much about liability," I mutter, but let Taylor help me to the couch.

"I care about..." Tree stops herself, running a hand through her fiery hair. "Just... let us help. Please."

"That's what Taylor said. Same tone too," I sink into the cushions, trying not to groan in relief. "You guys really need new material."

Tree's lips twitch. "Yes, well, we're very unoriginal in our concern." She eyes my knee. "That needs..."

"Looking at," Taylor finishes. "I know. I'm getting the first aid kit."

"I hate both of you," I announce to the room.

"Noted," they say in unison, which is actually creepy as fuck.

Tree perches on the edge of a chair, fingers twitching like she's physically restraining herself from typing emergency protocols. "You know, most people would kill for this level of attention from Taylor Swift."

"Most people are idiots."

She actually laughs at that. "Fair enough."

Taylor returns with what looks like an entire pharmacy. "Okay, this might hurt.."

"Everything hurts," I cut her off. "Just... do it fast. Please."

She nods, understanding in her eyes. Tree moves closer, then seems to think better of it when I tense.

"I'll just..." She gestures vaguely at her phone. "Be over there. Not hovering. Definitely not calling my medical contacts."


"Or my security contacts."


"Or the lawyers.."

"For fuck's sake," I snap, surprised at my boldness. "Just sit down before you give yourself a heart attack."

She blinks, surprised, then slowly sinks back into her chair. "You know, most people don't talk to me like that."

"Yeah, well." I hiss as Taylor starts cleaning my knee. "Most people probably aren't bleeding all over your boss's expensive couch."

"The couch will survive," Taylor murmurs, focused on her task.

"Your reputation might not," I point out. "Pretty sure 'harboring violent orphans' isn't great for the brand, especially after the loverboy breakup."

Tree's typing pauses. "Honey, if you think this is the worst PR crisis I've handled, you really don't know Taylor very well."

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