Chapter 30: Feels Like Freedom

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Author's note: This is the end. I have a few one shots after this chapter with just some outtakes that didn't make it in the story, but still contemplating if I should do that. It'll probably be 4ish  extra chapters and then I gotta go back to my actual book :) Thank you so much for reading <3 I love you all!

I wake up to silence, immediately noticing the empty space beside me. My heart races for a moment before I hear familiar voices from downstairs - Tree's sharp tone mixing with Taylor's softer.

I should probably go back to sleep. Respect the whole "tree house rules" thing that's apparently still in effect even inside. But there's something about the urgency in their voices that pulls me toward the door.

I move carefully, avoiding the squeaky floorboard near the dresser, and open the door just enough to hear better.

"...completely backfired," Tree's saying, sounding smugger than usual. "Every single outlet turned him down after we released the footage. No one's touching his 'exclusive' with a ten-foot pole."

"But what about-" Taylor starts.

"The public?" Tree actually laughs. "Oh honey, you should see the support. #ProtectSwifts started trending within hours. People are sharing their own survivor stories, calling out abuse, demanding justice. Your daughter's accidentally started a movement."

I freeze on the stairs, heart pounding.

"And the interview?" Taylor's voice shakes slightly.

"His sad attempt to paint a traumatized child as dangerous and the reason his relationship fell apart?" Tree snorts. "Yeah, that went over real well. Especially after we leaked those security tapes of him hitting you."


"What? He wanted to talk about truth? Fine. Let's talk about truth."

"The point is," another voice cuts in - Blake maybe? "It's over. He's done. No one's believing his bullshit anymore."

I edge closer, careful to stay hidden around the corner. Through the gap between wall and doorframe, I can see Tree pacing with her phones while Taylor sits at the kitchen counter, looking exhausted but somehow lighter.

"His reputation got even worse this time around," Tree continues. "The British press is having a field day with the abuse allegations, and..."

She pauses, a sharp smile crossing her face.

"And?" Taylor prompts.

"And it turns out violating multiple NDAs while trying to slander a minor is actually a really stupid thing to do." Tree's voice drips with satisfaction. "His lawyer quit this morning."

That's when I hit my toe on Andrea's stupid decorative hallway table, letting out a very loud, very distinct "FUCK!"

"Now that," Tree says dryly, "is exactly what Taylor said when she hit the same table this morning. Like mother, like daughter."

Taylor comes to get me, smiles, and stretches out her hand. I take it and we go back into the kitchen where Tree seems to be in a 'roast Taylor and Mandy' mode.

"You two even walk the same way," Tree observes. "And make that exact same face when you're pretending not to be worried. And don't even get me started on how you both hover in doorways when you're nervous..."

"Not true," we protest together, then look at each other sheepishly.

"Stop kidding yourselves," Tree announces. "You're literally doing it right now. Both of you, in the exact same position, with the exact same defensive crossed arms..."

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